On this week's Free to Play Cast we dive into rebuilding human civilizations with and Indie developer, try to catch them all in Soul Captor, and recap some of what we liked and did not like about C9 now that that open beta has s...
This week on Free to Play Weekly with Jessica Brohard, C9 Continent of the Ninth Seal Open Beta begins, Game of Thrones Seven Kingdoms has announced, Firefall System Requirements, Warframe, Knight Age and much more.
Free-To-Play Weekly with Jessica Brohard is the exclusive web show from MMOBomb.com. This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!
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Game of the Week: Tribes Ascend
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On this week's Free to Play Cast we dive into rebuilding human civilizations with and Indie developer, try to catch them all in Soul Captor, and recap some of what we liked and did not like about C9 now that that open beta has s...
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
"It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for 'em"
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
don't look stare too long on a script, we are watching you, so look at camera as well.
other than that, you did pretty much good job for hosting a videogames show, good luck.
and a question
what happen to old narrator? did he get fired?
tbh I know mmobomb because of Free weekly video, so I might miss his voice someday.
also I hope mmobomb can get their own channel on youtube, because I also knew that freemmogamer & mmobomb are the same, for what reason... I don't know why.
Im not saying Vindictus is better. but it has a bit more going for it.
BTW, Jessica Brohard did a great job with this video. I enjoyed her commentary. Her jokes made me giggle and her personality really shines. I hope to see her do more of these.
and that commodore 64 line made me ROFLMAO
Keep up the good work, or I'm going to turn you into a gnome with leprosy.
I feel as I am surrounded by 80's show hosts and movie directors that give people like Arnold those really crappy one liners that are not needed.
When there was talk about the system req for firefall, the failed sarcasm of "wait that is all they are announcing, no open beta?" was just too obvious, either act and make it seem that you are sarcastic, or just drop the act and say something more credible like " For people who expected more news, sorry, no open beta yet, but at least now you if your machine is ready to Firefall"
Commodore 64 joke was also really not needed, it felt forced as if you are putting a gun to someone's head and asking "was it funny Joe? well was it? Tell me it was or I'll blow your brains out"
"see that's how you celebrate something in gaming", now that was jut wrong in every possible way I can imagine. A new map is not something that you take as an example to show other people and game companies, it's a map not a 5GB free DLC that offers loads upon loads of content.
The Repopulation, finally something short,precise and to the point, I like that, no forced sarcasm, no forced joking, something simple that gets me and the other people the info that we actually need.
Sorry for being so harsh but it's as if this show does not know what it wants to do, who is your target? what age group,what category? What is your identity? You want to be funny, serious, core? You can't be all at once. There are youtube channels with people like the Angry Video Game Nerd, his show has an identity that will appeal to certain people and a certain age group, or angry joe who also presents and reviews games.