Free to Play Weekly (ep.43)

This week on Free to Play Weekly Rise of Dragonian Era is live, Carte officially launches, Warface closed beta sign-ups, PC MMORPG Games on Tablets, Scarlet Legacy gets new update, Line of Defense beta Sign-ups, Forsaken World Nightfall expansion, sweet giveaways, and much more.

Free-To-Play Weekly is the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube Youtube and iTunes iTunes.

Game of the Week: Global Agenda


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Discussion (9)

ikrad 12 years ago
Hey good thing with the talking and i realy like the girl in the funny videos you should get her in to mmobomb to work like chippz beacuse she rocks

binar12 12 years ago

sethsamson 12 years ago
sigh .... ehhhh .... im soooo bored . every new game is the same for me.... black light repulse warface battlefield 3 ghost recon online etc etc etc same old same .. just run point shoot chaos .... total brain free activity... character classifications ... engineer medic sniper bla bla bla
im still waiting for some really new game ... no char class .. u create your own mean SoB from scratch from top to bottom ..choosing or own set of equipment and most importantly where tactics stealth and using your brain not cute toys ... is a key to overcome the enemy ... something like joining mmorpg with arma 2 battle style ...

SnakeTeam 13 years ago
Hey good thing with the talking and i realy like the girl in the funny videos you should get her in to mmobomb to work like chippz beacuse she rocks :)

Jon 13 years ago
If it wasn't for mmobomb I'd never have heard of Carte. Their marketing seems virtually non-existant. I can barely even find the game website on google. That coupled with an already unpopular type of game (online TCG) does not bode well for its future.

Really, the game looks half-decent and I love TCGs (and am limited to online ones as my RL friends don't really go for it) but even that last MTG planeswalkers game which is a huge franchise and was very visible on steam etc tanked pretty bad.

kraiden 13 years ago
fourth xD

Clynthon 13 years ago
Third :D

codgod 13 years ago

TheGamer 13 years ago
FIRST!!Ok, now back to the episode, iam going to try warface when it comes out, hope to have a Hardcore COD4-like mode on it, about RODE...I dont know, it just feels like countless mmo's out there, and Forsaken World is, in my personal opnion, pure garbage, also Scarlet Legacy.I dont know about Line of Defense, but i dont let any game pass by me without playing ;D.Also, what you guys think about making a MMOBomb guild in some games?

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