Free to Play Weekly (ep.39)

This week on Free to Play Weekly Web Fiesta was launched, Hawken will be free to play, Arctic Combat is here, New Gundams arrive in SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online, Loong: Dragonblood, sweet giveaways and much more.

Free-To-Play Weekly is the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube Youtube and iTunes iTunes.

Game of the Week: War Inc. Battlezone


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Discussion (3)

Asylix 13 years ago
I'm dropping an A-Bomb.. at Ubernet.. the creators of Super MNC... who have had MULTIPLE problems with beta keys.. i just got mine today.. went to steam.. and BOOM "This key is used with another account"... i went to the forums.. 10 people have the same problem.. not a WORD form the devs or anyone...

cosmin 13 years ago
welll, it would be nice to have to carry your a mount that carry u blazing fast, a snake for example were u crounch on him and goes nice and smooth on water or land but it gets tired after depleding his stamina so u have to carry him.and it would go like this:
in a game were mount has max speed of 150% u get this snake for 190-220% speed but has stamina.stamina depledes in 5 minutes of continous walk and is regained in half time while u CARRY him:).while u carry u go 30% slower than normal.if u let him walk beside u, stamina recovers in 10-15 minutes.after stamina recovered,bam! u get the 190-220% speed mount again for 5 minutes.i think it would help in pvp or something.anyway, all these values can be changed,just is the main ideea.MMOBOMb, think about this:).thx

Pamela 13 years ago
Ok lets think about it u all mounts tha ride u!!!!!mmmmmmm.....that could be a good thing or a frenky thing .Depending on now u looking at it LOL!!!

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