Free to Play Weekly (ep.36)

This week on Free to Play Weekly Neowiz Games announces Seven Souls Online, Silkroad-R officially launches, Star Trek Online is now live, Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising is going free-to-play, Dungeons & Dragons Online: Menace of the Underdark, Allods Online: Game of Gods Expansion and much more.

Free-To-Play Weekly is the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube Youtube and iTunes iTunes.

Game of the Week: Fiesta Online


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Discussion (8)

Justpaulo 13 years ago
Sorry mememe but you are wrong.... For example Eden Eternal: Ep.15, Ep. 09 etc.

mememe 13 years ago
many weeks there is no new games at all just expansions . i would like to see a change back to how free to play weekly used to be when it was the best weekly game show on the web

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mememe 13 years ago
hi guys , the free2play weekly has changed for the worst .it used 2 be new games in open beta or live , now i only saw 2 new game in the whole vid "silk road R" and "star trek online" the focus on expansions and unreleased games is a tad annoying and not what i for 1 want in free2play weekly , i hope in the future it will go back to how it was and focus on new games that are either live or in open beta

kkk 13 years ago
I thought repulse would be something, but it seems just your casual shooter

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