Free to Play Weekly (ep.26)

This week on Free to Play Weekly DC Universe Online is finally available for free, MechWarrior Online is a free-to-play game, Lineage 2 free to play details, WindSlayer 2 is now live, Repulse Closed Beta, Lime Odyssey alpha test, Tribes: Ascend closed beta, Fly for Fun V18: Renaissance, Perfect World International: The Trials and much more.

Free-To-Play Weekly is the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube Youtube and iTunes iTunes.

Game of the Week: CrimeCraft Bleedout


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Discussion (8)

Jory Anderson 13 years ago
Enough with the jokes, they're extremly stupid sound like they were made up on the spot.

Essedess 13 years ago
Crimecraft the worst piece of crap ive ever had the displeasure to step into, second only to world of tanks for it's awefulness.

FHPP 13 years ago
Correction was checking the site and is 10$ month and theres an enhanced versio nthat no1 knows what it do that is 20$..... so yea lot of people hacking , even if its a little expensive took me 3 hours to get from 1-51.. max is 110 or somenthing... you could get 12 chars lvl 110 in a month easily

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zenyth 13 years ago
remove screw atack ;( he sucks

Vanquish 13 years ago
DC Universe... Ughhh.... Oh! APB as superheroes\villains! Definately worth a try,
Also waiting for sooo long to Repulse!!!! CBT please come faster...
What the...? so much people are using the hack so he decided to charge $7 /month to use it?
Whoa thats weird, but I guess more hacks to the game will be published soon, as happened in the first WindSlayer.

FHPP 13 years ago
WindSlayer 2 had people using hack program on Closed beta, and on Beta I managed to touch the hack, you can nuke entire map without moving or getting any dmg. Ive got from lvl 1-51 (51 is cap they did it due to hacks so people couldnt get max level)
so ya got from 1-51 in 4 hours . They seems not to know how to stop the hack , but for now will have a decreasement on hack numbers since the dude who made the hack now is charging $7 /month to use the hack.

Hristo Enchev 13 years ago
Hey I always wonder what's that cool song in the beginning of the show.:)

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