Auto Club Revolution is a free-to-play online racing game and car community built in collaboration with the motor industry.
This week our Free to Play Cast panel looks at an MMO turning 13, examines the merits of a "clone", and gives their final opinions on C9 so far... and their concerns. Viewer feedback and weekly bombs galore from all over the world and so much more are ready for you to soak in during this all new episode!
If you have submissions for the show’s Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com
How to be a Guest on Free to Play Cast: Send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover. Send your submission to magicman@mmobomb.com
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!
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Auto Club Revolution is a free-to-play online racing game and car community built in collaboration with the motor industry.
It came at the right time with the right IP, but does it deliver?
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
first up, Great show once more!
2nd: i'd like to give a The bomb at Uber entertainment for their great work about SMNC. I have received my keys about a month ago and think that they're greatly innovating MOBA-style game with their 3rd person shooter. Even though the game still needs more refining, and a bigger playerbase, they deserve a The bomb.
Otherwise, greetings from Québec
My question is : Will the GUI be redesigned because for a rezolution of 1280x720 feels to crowded in ALLODS ?
Sorry for my bad english.
Spammie @YT : http://www.youtube.com/user/beybladehq
- Aeirn -
Originally C9 was released before Vindictus(Mobinogi:Heroes) and Dragonnest. If anything Vindictus and Dragonnest got some ideas from C9 community.
As formal EQ2 player who played in raiding guild, in current format, bronze subscription EQ2 is not playable. Without spell upgrades you are just a waste of slot in group.
Lastly, if you could, could you add link/list of games you guys talk about in these videos?
But thank god you guys are still on lol. Great Show.
Oh and could you guys come in into Seven Souls CBT starts 15 feb and I beleive mmoomb is giving out CBT keys. Come over make a guild and join us. We want to have some fun with you guys overthere :) and thats my dabomb.
Great show guys keep it up. The question to ask the Allods team is: Could you guys ask your colleagues in the Age of Wulin team when are you gonna actually start CBT????
2 mins in : i have duck hunt still...
3:30 in : ya know... everquest 2's b-day is mine too...
6:30 in : FUUU I NEED TO EAT!!!! (RL time 20:50)
paused at 6:51
6:51 : back from eating (RL time 21:03)
12 mins in : i stop this first time listening think log... ill be back with the answer
Ask the Allods Team : WHY why do you make games and why are they free? (i want to know from an actual team that makes games, it keeps me up at night)
extra's from me : that live listen thinking this with the times was just for fun i had nothing to do and...
Greetings from Belgium (again), from a fan from in the beginning (freemmogamer) until now