Free To Play Weekly: MMO Dev Calls Out ArcheAge! (Ep 154)

MMO Dev calls out ArcheAge, The Elder Scrolls Online goes Buy 2 Play, all that and more, I’m Zach Sharpes and this… is Free To Play Weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Zach Sharpes is your weekly web show about free to play multiplayer online games from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube.

Soundtrack by:
rewella - Come And Get It (Razihel Remix)

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Discussion (17)

ziguzanuzoon 10 years ago
buy to play keeps the gold farmers out

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jonsilva 10 years ago
I still dont get it ?!?!
what happen to the elder scrolls ?
the subscription was removed but you have to buy the download game ?
or is it just like everything else ? register / download / install / play for 15 or 20 min / unistall / never touch the game again.

jonsilva 10 years ago
I still dont get it ?!?!
what happen to the elder scrolls ?
the subscription was removed but you have to buy the download game ?
or is it just like everything else ? register / download / install / play for 15 or 20 min / unistall / never touch the game again.

silvio 10 years ago
buy to play, best model ever, if teso goes f2p that will be his ruin

Bane 10 years ago
TESO is not going B2P if u have to pay a sub to play latest content. Practically it means u have to sehll-out $$$ for basic game or as more content is added u could say it is a demo/trial - and then later to proceed with latest content u still have to pay monthly sub. So it is actually a hoax to get you to buy game, play few months in which time they will put out the mentioned DLC and then u will pay $$$ or drop game.

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RyuKaiser 10 years ago
To me, Buy to Play is superior, as it means I can support the dev, get a fully functional product, and pay for updates I want as expansion packs like Guild Wars, or DLC like Defiance. F2P games go to some rather ridiculous extremes with their cash shops, sometimes unbalancing the entire game just to get you to roll the dice on lockboxes, but with buy-to-play, there's an incentive right there from the get-go that if you put the best gear behind a pay wall, it almost naturally has to be an expansion pack or DLC, rather than spending incredible amounts of money on a random chance to roll for it, or worse, farting out a single new race, then demanding $100 for it, like Neverwinter.


Apoth 10 years ago
my balls smell like a1 steak sauce

DEM0 10 years ago
as for the teso i think buy 2 play model is always better than free to play model. this is because there are a lot of free 2 play games and most of them you can't play if you don't pay money because you will bet too much restrictions. for me buy 2 play models are a lot better because when you buy the game you already pay the money and you get almost everything and you can play with minimal or no restrictions at all.. guild wars 2 is a buy 2 play and it has no restrictions and you get everything. i like that kind of model. how ever teso will be buy 2 play and also have subscriptions. i think it is better than pay 2 play and better than free 2 play so maybe teso will hit the golden middle.. i hope we will see that in the futre

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NobleNerd 10 years ago
Zach, thank you, thank you, thank you for actually referring to the TESO change as Buy to Play. So many gaming media sites and personalities have been misrepresenting it as Free to Play. There is a big difference between the two.

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