Free To Play Weekly – Hi-Rez Reveals Their New Game! Ep 244

Chronicle adds a single player campaign, Hi-Rez reveals their brand new game, all that and more, I’m Zach Sharpes and this… is Free To Play Weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Zach Sharpes is your weekly web show about free to play multiplayer online games from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube.

Soundtrack by:
Krewella - Come And Get It (Razihel Remix)

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Discussion (3)

Arieswar 8 years ago
The larger a battle is the better why because the simple fact that even the worst player of the group can feel usefull something that most games seams to pick on.. I like the elder scrolls system for instance doh i would like a more alterac valley version if u catch my drift.

ASD 8 years ago
Runescape legends looks interesting and Im not even a fan of runescape. But I personally don't think you should be allowed to switch between classes. If you choose 1 class then you should stay that unless you learn the skills to be that profession. I don't think you should be able to just switch classes with a click of a button.

Weisa 8 years ago

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