Free to Play Weekly – What Games Should Come To Consoles? Ep 260

Revelation Online gets its open beta date, Skyforge is coming to the PS4, all that and more, I’m Zach Sharpes and this… is Free To Play Weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Zach Sharpes is your weekly web show about free to play multiplayer online games from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

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Discussion (5)

rickshaw 8 years ago
.once games start being all on the same thing which is slowly happening it'll become boring.
I bought the only console ever in my life years ago! Its still sat here in front of me alone and unwanted as the games for these machines are way too expensive! & after I bored of Red Dead Redemption! that game was limited on the PS3. I can not for love of me think why Rockstar thought it to be a console game, when it was really better suited for a PC game mmo game. As usual, Rockstar marketeers are thick as two bricks when it comes to PC releases.

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Games that should be on console 8 years ago
I'd love to see AQ3D come to consoles the bad part is their developers are so unreliable they had a update that was supose to come a month ago and it's still not here yet and there's a whole list of other issues but I'd love to see it come to consoles if the devs can get their act together but I honestly doubt they will. I'd love to see World of warcraft ported to consoles but I don't think it will it seems more like a PC game and it will probably ruin the game at best I'd love to see it ported to steam at some point. I'd love to see clubpenguin ported to consoles I know it's a kids game and that it's shutting down but disney said they were building a new version called clubpenguin island. I'd love to see clubpenguin island ported to consoles but they said it will be for mobile devices only I'd love to see it on the windows 10 store since it's games are mostly for mobile all across devices. I know it will likely never happen but I'd love to see harry potter years 1-7 ported from last gen systems to this gen systems I'd love to see it in real time graphics.

airfields123 8 years ago
The free games that should come to play in console for me are:
Dragons dogma online USPS4
Terra Online PS4
Deep Down PS4 US

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