Free To Play Weekly: DOTA 2 Now Temporarily Pay To Win?!? (Ep 158)

Black Desert brought in a ton of money its first week, Valve tiptoes its way into pay to win territory, all that and more, this is Free To Play Weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Zach Sharpes is your weekly web show about free to play multiplayer online games from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

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Soundtrack by:
rewella - Come And Get It (Razihel Remix)

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Discussion (11)

Arieswar 10 years ago
Answer is NO. what valve did with this p2w event was basically to use the highten number of players to earn a profit in the players world i say this is a big backstab ofcourse valve might think this was a good move to earn some cash I am sure other players like my self feel the same way i played dota2 for over a few thousand hours and i can say that after they dropped the trade ability of loot drops and making stuff that drop non marketble + this yearbeast event p2w style i quit the game and havent looked back since, i most problably will be looking at another MOBA in the future. I am just one player but im sure some others feels the same way and im sure that the next announcement of big playerbase will be lower.


zeekf7 10 years ago
I think although pay to win is bad, adding a temporary pay to win feature is a way to make money.

ron 10 years ago
league of legends has 75 million active players not 7.5 million .
who gave u that low and incorrect figure of 7.5m ? :O

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Not p2w 10 years ago
Jesus christ, the game is not p2w. Yearbeast is somewhat p2w, but I've won 19 matches out of 2 without paying a single cent. I beated teams that did indeed pay to get more points, but I still rekted them. This year beast game mode comes down to picks, not on how many points you have, it is a fact, don't argue it.

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someone 10 years ago
I don't think this event is "pay to win" because you can still still earn it up through game play. That said if this was also available in ranked, yea that would be kinda P2W

TheNeon 10 years ago
Whoever makes these posts deserves to eat a first, dota 2 is fully f2p, only the event is pay to win, and in my thirty - forty games i never met someone who had the arcana for twentyone euros, so stop making a fuss or ill seriously get mad.

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Seanny Chwan 10 years ago
Dota 2 YES it's pay to win but it is only for the festival game. Nothing related to the main game. So please don't make it sounds like as if the whole game became p2w.

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