Free To Play Weekly: Blade And Soul FINALLY Gets A Launch Window! Ep. 171

Tera becomes the most played MMORPG on Steam, Blade and Soul gets a release window, all that and more, I’m Zach Sharpes and this… is Free To Play Weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Zach Sharpes is your weekly web show about free to play multiplayer online games from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube.

Soundtrack by:
rewella - Come And Get It (Razihel Remix)

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Discussion (15)

goncalo 9 years ago
I did coment in blade and soul cruz pay to win, i got few coment, bit when i want write for reply me i cant do it, i got banned. And remember inventor slots, vip, PvP pot, etc in cash shop, you can ser in every b&s publisher

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Andy 9 years ago
I definitely think people should be allowed to discuss any aspect of a game on the subreddit, especially something as vital as it being P2W. If players of the game like a game enough to make a subreddit for it (or in the rare case the dev makes one) I believe that is asking for open, truthful discussion about the game, good or bad. I think it's absolutely ridiculous to try to censor what users have to say about a game, especially on a third party website like Reddit.

sen003 9 years ago
OMG I'm so hyped, played russian version but quit after level ten because it wasn't update when I heard about it.

jonsilva 9 years ago
blade and soul ?
let me guess is it a pre alpha, restricted, closed, private, members club only, security clearance, access denied, of limits, trespassing, prohibited, BETAAAA...
and it will stay like that for more 1 year or 2 until it closes.

Malice 9 years ago
People have been playing it on private servers for months if not more than a year already. NC Soft shouldn't bother releasing it since the private servers are even up to date with the Korean version.

I played it for a while, the combat is fun, but the game overall gets boring quickly.

SethSamson 9 years ago
P2W should be always open .. FREEDOM of the speech .. locking posts about that by the developers are so wrong .. Players should always have the right to freely comment about the game .
as the customer about any other product ..
If we would hear that Coca-cola ban some dude for saying that it taste funny .. or Ford ban his customer for saying that there is something wrong with the brakes in their new car .. there is nothing wrong with that ..
But when some player comments that this game has massive p2w aspects or is bad in any other way ... than he gets a warning and his posts are remove .. that is just crazy ...

Arieswar 9 years ago
IN NA? not EU so.. who cares,, we have to wait some more?

RonStoppable 9 years ago
freedom of speech is super important for a game in order for it to grow . once a game starts banning people for opinions ,it is over for that game .
an example of that is alganon (an old game from 2009 just relaunched on steam) .
its dev has been on a banning spree on steam forums and has banned over 85% of its player base from forums for saying things like "its unprofessional to ban people for nothing" lol .....
that game is so dead .
another example of total suppression of freedom of speech is warz . i would suggest avoiding any game with anything to do with warz (infestation survival stories or its newest name change romeros aftermath) .
just avoid them kind of games at all cost guys .

Ty 9 years ago
How are you saying that TERA is #1 on steam yet Warframe is like 20,000 players ahead?

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