Free To Play Weekly: Black Desert Switches Payment Models?! Ep 192

ELOA beta kicks off, Black Desert’s official payment model is revealed, I’m Zach Sharpes and this… is Free to Play Weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Zach Sharpes is your weekly web show about free to play multiplayer online games from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

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Soundtrack by:
rewella - Come And Get It (Razihel Remix)

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Discussion (27)

UltimateFail 9 years ago
I'm still going to buy it, more so because I'm fascinated by the character customization and how dazzling it looks I'd like to experience the quality of this game for myself rather then watch someone play it on twitch or even see videos on youtube; that being said this would probably be the only b2p game I have ever purchased, and i don't see the potential that it would likely be a waste if I can satisfy my curiosity.

Something 9 years ago
Wild Star?

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Akebono 9 years ago
finnaly sometihng smart, every game should be buy to play and cash shop with only cosmetic and vanity items

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nomame 9 years ago
sorry but i have a Question is the black desert free or buy to play game

Triggwolf 9 years ago
I think a b2p isn't bad. It will reduce the amount of gold spammers in the economy, because there is more at stake when you have to pay money in order to make an account. All these people that complain about Black Dessert going b2p are the same people that will complain about all the spam on the f2p servers.

NobleNerd 9 years ago
Seeing BDO does not have a healing class and is potion spam central I never had much interest in it. Now that it is going B2P I will have to give this one a pass completely.

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Aids 9 years ago
Guess you have to stop reporting on it now, since it's no longer f2p

Welkinvoxlur 9 years ago
I think BDO is doing B2P Model for a cash grab before switching to f2p so they can get a nice lump of money before switching to f2p which is sad to do the community like that when it is allready f2p in other regions and I have no problem supporting games but i dont think im up for supporting something of this nature

Risea 9 years ago
Then we'll pay the bill that eastern did not pay ? Bullshit 'll just play another F2P that's what will not miss next year.

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bodylolz 9 years ago
more reasons to play B&S EU/NA anyone wants to play BDO will go to russian,japanease or korean servers its bad news for black desert

Braghez 9 years ago
Worry not, they will try to milk as much as they can with the B2P model and moderate cash shop... Then it will switch to F2P one year later or so, to recover part of the playerbase lost, with P2W crap like any other eastern MMO.
Unluckily I think that I can count F2P titles with a fair cash shop on the fingers of one hand... And none of them are MMOs.

Derpina 9 years ago
Russian f2p has p2w crap. Like allods opening up a sub server, black desert is offering a paid version to get rid of p2w. I support this and pre order. And thank god tons of poor people on dial up wont be in this OB causing server crashes :). Rich people server crashes are better. Like in vanilla wow, we know invested and will meet up when stable. Not just here to show up. Play 5 min. Quit and cry. I.e. F2p crowd.

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Mentiroso 9 years ago
Yes, i will play Black Desert russians servers!!!

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Cloak 9 years ago
Tough luck F2P fanboi's. Money Talks, Bullsh** Walks.

sadasd 9 years ago
RIP BD, mmos youtube channel showed an easy vpn tutorial with english patch for russian version, guess ppl will play that way

adasdas 9 years ago

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