Free To Play Weekly – Another Trion Worlds Blunder! Ep 201

Progress is lost in Devilian, League of Legends gets bought, all that and more, this… is Free To Play Weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Zach Sharpes is your weekly web show about free to play multiplayer online games from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube.

Soundtrack by:
rewella - Come And Get It (Razihel Remix)

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Discussion (7)

Term 9 years ago
I have been watching Free To Play Weekly for quite a while, but this is my first time commenting. Your question of the week struck a chord with me due to a recent disappointing experience.

Question of the week: If I enjoy the game that I am playing, I tend to be very forgiving and at least give the company a second chance. However, my forgiveness mainly depends upon the type of infraction. It is one thing for a company to make a mistake regarding the handling of their game and attempt to make amends for the error. Even if the compensation does not fit or is not ideal, at least the developers acknowledge their mistake and value the customer enough to attempt to do right by them. For example, with Trion Worlds and their (mis)handling of ArcheAge, I enjoyed the game itself to the point that I kept holding on through several months and countless fumbles. I did not take the mishandling and mistakes personally, so I stayed until the negatives outweighed the positives for me and my guild.

A company is past the point of forgiveness when they do not place value in their customer. Enter NCSoft. I have played Aion since launch (6 years!), paid for multiple accounts when it was subscription-based, and continued to buy perks across numerous additional accounts when it went free-to-play. One of my most heavily-used accounts got wrongfully swept up in one of their recent mass-bans, for what I can only assume to be very heavy/excessive grinding on my part. NCSoft support then proceeded to be rude, dismissive, and refused to answer my questions regarding the matter. When a company does not value their customer enough to admit their own mistakes and work with the customer to correct a matter, they are not worthy of a second chance. I place value on my time, emotional attachment, and money. Why invest any of those in a company that does not do the same?

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Cloak187 9 years ago
Spending money on Early Access is always bad. A bad idea. Take my word and experience from it.

"Early Access Game
Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. "

FTK 9 years ago
This is the only review on that i watch full, cuz its 5-7mins long? LOL, anyway just wanna say here keep up the good work Zach Sharpes, love your Free to Play Weekly, as always will catch you on the next episode.

Question of the week: Regardless how many chances we give to the Developers, they will screw up at some point, what i'm personally looking for is how they cope up with the problem, the only MMO dev's i find good is Level Up Games waaaay back, made me stick to Ragnarok Online, but that's a long time ago.

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