Free To Play Weekly – ANOTHER Free To Play Game Goes Buy To Play! Ep 207

Dust 514 bites the dust, H1Z1 is no longer going to be free to play at launch, all that and more, this… is Free To Play Weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Zach Sharpes is your weekly web show about free to play multiplayer online games from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube.

Soundtrack by:
rewella - Come And Get It (Razihel Remix)

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Discussion (12)

Malice 9 years ago
The market is changing to buy to play for most releases. Accept it and move on.

H1Z1 has always been a cash grab and with the split and double fee it is now just that more obvious.

Cookie 9 years ago
Question of the week?
What are your thoughts
Regarding H1Z1 Going B2p? Answer:(Not a good idea)
Comment:H1Z1 is going to be just a easy cash grab for the develeoper mostly plus there not going to be much for the two games that are going be apart each other since they
want more money from the customer.

Conker 9 years ago
Question of the week?

What are your thoughts
Regarding H1Z1 Going B2p? Answer:(Not a good idea)

Comment: H1Z1 is going to be just a easy cash grab for the develeoper mostly plus there not going to be much for the two games that are going be apart each other since they
want more money from the customer now.

GamingMaster 9 years ago
Are you serious ? Warframe is full of pay to experience game. I played warframe since close beta and quit after they introduced guilds.

I farmed for ages for new Warframe parts and when a new update came I couldn't build it because the final resource was behind a pay wall.

Warframe is far from a perfect free to play model.

A perfect free to play model is PoE, no limitations, no items/ progression behind pay wall.

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tralala 9 years ago
Good to know all shi tty games only

FTK 9 years ago
H1Z1 reaaaaally stupid nuff said.

Todoran 9 years ago
H1Z1 sry but i need to try it before it buy it at least make a trial... im tyerd to buy crap games on steam only to play them 2 hours then foget about them becuase they suck and the refund is mhm...... still money stuck on steam to buy cs go skins soo.... H1Z1 0 chance for me to get some cash now ....

Billybobe 9 years ago
blatant cash grab. the game already has no content and now they are spliting it in half and selling them both for full price? how is that not a cash grab

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