Free to Play Weekly – After 20 Years, Ultima Online Adds a Free-to-Play Option! Ep 291

Fortnite Battle Royale’s free-to-play mode is live, Ultima Online adds a free-to-play option, all that and more, I’m Zach Sharpes and this… is Free to Play Weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Zach Sharpes is your weekly web show about free to play multiplayer online games from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube.

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Discussion (5)

Nesogra 7 years ago
Runescape was my first mmo. For me to go back to it I would need far more free time or for it to become far less grindy.

Pyro 7 years ago
There is a lot multiplayer Online Games that have been abandon by the developer or became a Quick Cash Product. it a big reason why most of the these MMO Games are not recommended in the long run.
(Not Recommended List)
1. Ragnarok 1
2. Ragnarok 2
3. Elsword
4. Dragon Nest
5. Dungeon Fighter Online
6. Luna online Reborn
7. Skyforge
8. Cosmic Break
9. Grand Chase
10. Getamped 1
11. Getamped 2
12. Asta Online
13. X-Legend Games
14. Angel Online
15. Maplestory
16. Team fortress 2
17. Crime Craft
18. Cross Fire
19. S4League
20. League of Legend
21. Kritika Online
22. ZMR
23. Lineage 2
24. Archeage
25. Nerverwinter
26. 9Dragons
27. Aion
28.Cabal Online
29. Cloud Nine
30. Digimon Master
31. Dc Universe Online
32. Defiance
33. Dofus
34. Dragon Saga
35. Fiesta Online
36. Metal Assault
37. Ragnarok Re:Start
38. Flyff
39. Knight Online
40. Lucent Heart
41. Nostale
42. Perfect World
43. Prime World
44. Ran Online
45. Rift
46. Rose Online
47. Scions Of Fate
48. DOMO
49. Shaiya
50. SlikRoad Online
51. Swordsman Online
52. Tanki X
53. Tibia
54. World Of Tank
55. AVA
56. BattleBorn
57. Blackshot
58. Lost Saga
59.First Assualt
60. Fortnite
61. Gunbound
62. Paragon
63. Counter Strike Global Offensive
64. Tribes Ascend
65. Wolf Team
66. War Rock
67. Transformice
68. Naruto Online
69. Rumble Fighter
70. Panzar

Jafarson 7 years ago
My first MMORPG was World of Warcraft, its still one and only.

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