Free to Play Police: Trion Worlds Adding Paywalls to Rift Ep. 1

The Free to Play Police have arrived! If a free-to-play game or company is screwing it up we want to hear from you! On this episode, we rant about Trion Worlds and their latest decision to add a few paywalls into their free-to-play MMORPG Rift. Check out the details in this new episode!

Let us know what you think and if you'd like to see more of this kind of content in the future!

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Discussion (11)

trionishsit 9 years ago
Rift is crap, single player game with chat, broken quest markers, u need to google alot to quest, u always alone with few minutes random teams time to time, archeage is pay to win crap with monthly subscription bugged, crowds of bots hackers and cheaters, full with spanish and russian scammers, paradise for scum criminals

Brochim 9 years ago
I still say a grind isnt a grind untill 150+ on Anarchy online

Todoran 9 years ago
Love this show!!!! Keep it up whit this stuff i whant to see more!

Zal 9 years ago
I like this sort of content! Keep the "rants" coming.
I have to question how bad this void stone farming was though. For someone who plays/played FFXIV to say it was a pain in the butt, it must have been pretty bad xD

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Haradeas 9 years ago
I am totally inline with your definition of free 2 play! Love it. Could you do Blade and soul EU / NA next time? I am a founder player and I am seeing signs of P2W creeping in. It is about the closet where you can put in all the armors that you collect through the game. It was a normal function in other versions of the game which was accessible by free to play players. Not in NA / EU, there is no way besides paying for a feature that was already accessible outside NA / EU for free players... if nobody gonna react on this, more pay walls like this will pop up...

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