Free to Play Police: Guild Wars 2 Makes Game Less Legendary Ep. 5

Guild Wars 2 decides to do away with the Heart of Thorns expansion feature of "Legendary Weapons." Needless to say, some aren't happy!

Let us know what you think and if you'd like to see more of this kind of content in the future!

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Discussion (3)

Dynamics 8 years ago
Honestly, I never cared much about legendaries anyway. A very small portion of the playerbase ever bothered with them. But, all I can say is if they're pulling people from legendary development and sticking them to LS then the next season of LS better be even better than the last. I do hope legendaries return, but only when the process of making them has improved.

I am not saying that this excuses them from making promises they can't keep though.

Terranova667 8 years ago
Surely their team is big enough to have more than one thing on the go, if what Jason says they have 300 -400 employees then why don't they split them, have half do the legendary stuff and the other half new content, this sounds very much like a poor excuse for something they no longer want to do.

Todoran 8 years ago
Brian left..... thing will change trust me, ..... no the game is not going to be crapy at first but now its has some chances to get crapy if they do stuff like this ....

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