Free to Play Cast: Realm Royale Brings Hi-Rez to the Battle Royale Party...and Some Bless Ep. 264

On this week's show Hi-Rez Studios jumps into the battle royale water with Realm Royale but basically leaves the card game pool, we chat about Bless because we owe you that, and when did war gaming as a concept start?All that and more on this week's Free to Play Cast!

Discussion Timestamps:

01:27 Hi-Rez Unveils Realm Royale But Nukes HotGs
26:22 Bless Online Thoughts
45:06 War Gaming's (the concept, not company) History

Article discussed available here.

48:20 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb)
56:50 Questions and Answers of the Week

If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.

Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!

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Discussion (6)

Pennlion 6 years ago
Jason will be wearing his kilt. Maybe you should all wear kilts and it could be the kilt episode. I will even wear my kilt while I listen to the show. So why are kilts never offered as costumes in MMOs?

ElusiveXTreasure 6 years ago
A-bomb to too many games, not enough time. I just got back into FFXIV, am in the middle of a playthrough with the hubby on Divinity: Original Sin, and have Detroit: Become Human, and Vampyr that I have yet to touch to name only a few. Upcoming, Summerfest in Rift in July which of course I have to mess with for the new shinies, Defiance 2050 in July, and Divinity 2 comes to consoles in August... and that's just two months out. My soul for a pause button on life.

Coldfire1080 6 years ago
Da bomb to ice cream.

Question for the free-to-play cast ... what currently is your most played free to play game and why?

Adamtomical 6 years ago
Love the podcast, use to be a avid listener before university started, glad to be back listening. Weird question out of left field, but why do you think Sega canceled the NA release of Phantasy Star Online 2?

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Haidrex Skye Shadow 6 years ago
I have a DA-bomb for Tabletopia , me an my friends just discovered this game and frankly it's awesome , a lot of board games for players to enjoy , from simple to complex to way way way to complex , i mean how the hell do you make a 1 hour tutorial , nevertheless for someone that has no way of getting a physical version or have at lest the minimum player required to play the simplest of games , tabletopia is the one game i can turn to when i feel like playing a board game.

QOTW : O man where can i start , honestly i believe that this game is a big , BIG disappointment ,I will start from the character creation screen , wtf ... i always try to make my character looks somewhat cool , but here it always turns out involuntarily retarded , almost on par with Sid from Ice Age , now the combat , (sigh) ok , so every single hitbox in this game is completely and utterly fucked , from the monsters to the fighters to the weapons to the fucking trees , i got stuck in so many trees, the dodge and the block almost feel like a joke , weapons go through the monster , and you can get hit by some fucking invisible wall that is stuck on the monster , the lobby is huge with only 2 interest points , the questiing is atrocious , the story is beyond bland , and it's more repetitive the god damn dota ,But yeah the game is fun , when it works , as far as monster hunting games , this is a good one , and probably the only free one that we will ever get.

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