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Free to Play Cast: Rapid Fire Free-to-Play News, May the 4th, and More Daybreak Ep. 260
On this week's show there's so much news we had to break out the rapid fire round again, then we cast our net into some BioWare speculation, give you an update on our view of the whole Daybreak thing, and wrap it up with some weekly bombs! All that and more on this week's Free to Play Cast!
Discussion Timestamps:
02:22 Rapid Fire Round
26:18 Is BioWare in Trouble? May the 4th Be with You!
33:00 Daybreak Update
44:03 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb)
53:01 Questions and Answers of the Week
If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!
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