Free to Play Cast: Heading to Mordor...and PAX South Ep 209

On this week's show we jump into free-to-play news from PAX South, chat Mordor in LOTRO, SWTOR and Aion even make appearances in this "throw back" cast! All that and more on this week's Free to Play Cast!

Discussion Timestamps:

01:07 PAX South
19:52 LOTRO and Mordor
26:46 Weird Updates in Aion and SWTOR
34:18 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb)
41:47 Questions and Answers of the Week

If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.

Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!

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Discussion (11)

Denisha 8 years ago
Hi; I thought this is perhaps a good enough place to let you know, when I try to read your feed I get a error “XML Parsing Er1#2&o82rr; – that is in Firefox. Should the problem be on your side then I hope that you can repair it – I would like to add your feed to FeedDemon. Hopefully I can add you soon, Cheers, Casie Duplechain from Yuanjiang

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ElusiveXTreasure 8 years ago
For the question of the week: This is a complex one. One of the major complaints about MMOs that the hubby and I have are that in a lot of them you aren't really someone special. You aren't in the main story at all, you're just "the hero", whatever that means. So in that vein I think being a part of the main story feels more satisfying. However, this -is- Lord of the Rings, and in respect to the story, I certainly understand it. I think that's why, in general, I prefer titles that aren't based on some already established franchise. I feel like the player -should- be the main character. Sure that means there's a ton of main characters running around... but what's cooler than seeing yourself in a cutscene, or having NPCs whispering about your exploits as you pass through town?

Lerch2000 8 years ago
lol Bright and sunny outside :) I get ahead of myself at times sorry :)

Lerch2000 8 years ago
Ya trion I cant trust anymore... well that might be a little strong but if they told me that it was bright shinny I would have to double check. (Even if I was already outside)

Hellsworth 8 years ago
Dauntless is instanced? Woot? Like Warframe? Don't tell me the connections will work in P2Peer too! It sounds pretty much like Skyforge or maybe Vindictus from the way you described it, am I right?
QotW: LotR is pretty much the birth of the genre, most things, like D&D, evolved from it and medieval fantasy has it's roots there so in that sense "re-touching" the story is like putting new Apostles on the Bible but if you were to tell a tale that happened somewhere else WHILE that event happened I guess it could be interesting but nonetheless wouldn't that make it outshined by the first event in the 1st place? I don't know, I guess it would fall on the storyteller's lap to make it as meaningful for the characters involved as is the Frodo vs Gollum in Mordor event.
Bombs: A-Bomb to, I hate tweeter and so I don't know his schedule and so yesterday I was finally able to catch him streaming (Tomb Raider??? What???), and as I am setting myself confortable to start bashing his skills he goes like "I'm sorry Hellsworth for you to join so late but I'm just finishing up!" and puff... save and out :D! Also A-Bomb to NINTENDO SWITCH, It's the "Return of the Jedi Consoler" moment of the month (Poke @Zach Sharpes sorry just had to ). /sigh Where to begin... Let's see, the feeling I have from "the console" is that it's a freakin' tablet with a custom pad, anyone thought what'll happen when you or your son gets jacked on the bus and part of your console is gone? I mean how much "graphx" can you pull out on a tablet or do you want to just play mario 64 for the rest of your life? 4k games are coming out this year using latest drivers and hardware and these guys are trying to sell people overpriced tablets with a custom pad... c'mon! Da-Bomb to Mike Byrne it's seems I never find a good reason to bash him for a bit. :D

Lagwin1980 8 years ago
Da bomb to Chris Wilson and Brian Weissman of Grinding gear games for stepping in to save (or at least attempt to) a game called Solforge a free to play TGC which was on the verge of shutting down recently both of whom offered technical support along with financial support from them and players...seems like the game will live on.

Pity i missed the top 5 question last week, but here is a belated suggestion, a top 5 of games that have the most falling deaths for each of the presenters but mainly magic

teppic 8 years ago

From the various interviews SSG have done, it sounds as though the ring's destruction will be a major story, but it'll happen very early on in the expansion, so most of the content takes place afterwards. They've said they've had big plans for the end of the ring since the game first came out.

On top of that they're changing the animations and character models (which will be switchable), and they've recently added a lot of landscape frills transforming the look, both of which might please Zach (da bomb to that).

PS: 384 is 256 + 128 ;)

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