It's the first time a Western audience has been able to get their hands on a localized version of Revelation Online and although My.com still has a ton of work to do on that front (this felt more like a late alpha than a first...
On this week's show we celebrate 200 episodes by reliving some of our favorite moments, chat about Turtle Rock leaving Evolve's development, and MU Legend, GWENT, and Revelation Online make appearances. All that and more on this week's Free to Play Cast!
Discussion Timestamps:
00:01 200 Episodes of Memories
27:34 Turtle Rock Studios and Evolve
32:14 MU Legend and Gwent
41:21 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb)
51:11 Questions and Answers of the Week
If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!
It's the first time a Western audience has been able to get their hands on a localized version of Revelation Online and although My.com still has a ton of work to do on that front (this felt more like a late alpha than a first...
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
I'd also like to give a Da-bomb to Anet, even tho WvW is still a mess in gw2 and hopefully they'll sort that out, they are still bringing in new players each day, and I have to admit I keep coming back because it feels like the most solid mmorpg out there atm, while I wait for something just as good if not better to come along.
all we got in the west are established games like Tera (Kinda dead), SWTOR (Dat free2play model tho), World of "i still have to pay for this" Warcraft. or other smaller games that i wouldn't give a damn about even if they slap me in the face.
Da Bomb to.... uhm.... nothing i guess. I rather go play another playthrough on the Witcher 2 then to play any of the mmo's currently around in the west.
Question of the week : My moment is actually everytime i forced you to pick my comments which mostly were as long as a book, just kidding, all episodes are a Highlight to me, the talk just feels more honest then others, it is the only podcast i am willing to watch by now. But surely the ones where i caused a few laughs are small highlights for me, the fact that i still work on the plan to steal that password book out of Jasons Desk, or that i still think involving a community into the development of a game is the right thing to do. Overall i am quite happy with the cast. I sometimes wish to make an appearance there myself but then again, i am an Engrish pleb with a Timezone that does not work with it XD Well, anyways, keep going guys.
The Gaming Community used to be fun to play but i don't see any reason to stick around on
MMO-BOMB anymore. The Media Website and the Gaming Community Forum are complete Garbage now.
(Note to MMO Bomb Staff Team)
MMO-BOMB you can celebrate all you want for your Video Channel but the people grew tired of this Drama Crap for real. It need to end plus this media website need a big clean up.
A-bomb to the 2 people not in my party in the last game of HoTS I played. I haven't played since... nearly a week now. These two were so assy and terrible that the three of us couldn't save the match. They refused to help anyone with pushes or go to any objectives, then whined about needing help, then ran away leaving whoever went to help to get mobbed. I saw the Zarya player bubble herself at full health, then run away from -one- enemy who was at less than half. I just... can't even.
Felt had to repay the mention on the cast somehow and tried spending some time looking for Brim's story. I got lucky and found it relatively fast.
@Magicman the story you are looking for is on episode 29 (ironically the episode name is The Saga of Brimtim). Story is between 3:15 and 10:45.
Not a specific favorite moment here, but to be honest i miss the thumbs up/thumbs down part of the f2p cast. I understand why you moved on from that and, when needed, do a number score instead, but i just miss it. Maybe it wasn't a format and it's just a personal impression that got left on me at that time, but it felt like everything prior to that part was the prelude and the entertainment. The thumbs up/ thumbs down was, for me, the peak of the discussion, the time when the big calls are made. Whenever i was hearing that question my interest was suddenly doubled.
Qotw#2: (even though the second question was meant for new listeners) I would like to see mmobomb's founder, Luis, as guest on the podcast, maybe for a future anniversary of the f2p cast or the site. I remember seeing him on another mmo site's (*atk*) youtube channel at E3 or a similar gaming event. They were chilling at a table chatting and he seemed like a cool guy. Would be nice to have him tell us about how/why he started mmobomb, maybe a cool story or two about mmobomb.
I would like to give a Da Bomb to Project Genom for a good start. Been playing it a bit lately. It's to early to call it good yet, and in about 50 hours i kinda feel i experienced most of what the game can offer or what i am interested to see at the moment. It's very early and it shows, but the grand ideas are there and if they can manage to deliver this can turn out to be a great game someday.
I don't know how but, most of my time around F2P games revolves around a few major issues that takes REAL time to get to a conclusion. 1st issue is if my friends want to, or even can play the game because of hardware, after seeing a review. 2nd it comes down to preference, one doesn't like cartoonish or the other doesn't like sci-fi or the classes are gender locked. 3rd and the issue i get and that you guys could try and help or even come up with, is a rating of the game's store. What I mean is a full fledged review on the "hot topics" of the each game's store after the game is released. For example I like games where you can work your time to get stuff and I hate games that completely shut me off from content with a paywall. So since it's an issue for all of us F2Pers (especially when something major on the store shuts you out after 50h+ in game) you guys could come up with a store rating and talk about it on the cast, for example a Rift vs Archage vs Path of Exile store and what to expect in the near future for that store. Let's say a top 10 if you will but just for all the games' microtransaction stores and then when something changes you get to talk about it and bash it around, of course. :)
A-Bomb Revelation Online. Never have I had to read three damn languages in one beta in my life. I understand the beta part of it but damn how in the hell is there three languages. Russian, some Asian language Korean or some shit and English. I'm just going to quit this beta and wait for the next one or get Rosetta Stone so I can figure half that shit out.
DA-Bomb to The Division 1.4 update for adding world tiers and making it easier to high end gear and gear sets in the open world instead of having to in to the DZ.
As for the episode about the laptop, wasn't it the one that you said at the time was 'a train wreck' if that helps you find i - I think maybe your 1 year anniversary episode (episode 52 maybe).
As for MU legends, its a game I might try post beta.
I'm just imagining project red calling zach up for money and their reasoning is 'because of witcher 3'
I remember often commenters apologising for their poor English, these days they just need to see zach reading out comments and realise that English isn't that easy.
QOTW - Favourite episode was the whole of the train wreck episode mentioned above. As for improving the show, maybe put the question of the week in the show notes to allow people to think about it while watching, and possibly without being influenced by any discussions you have. I would also love for you guys to do a blooper real of out takes, either at the end of each show, or as a special blooper show from time to time. Maybe also highlight a particular discussion in your forums if one catches your attention.
A DA bomb to your first look videos, they do help me decide if I want to invest any time into new games.