Today on Bomblive, Magicman jumps into Star Wars: The Old Republic to get his Juggernaut ready for the upcoming expansion.
On this episode of the Free-to-Play Podcast, we switch to a video format (let us know if you like it!), chat about ArcheAge hacks, examine Early Access, and decide if it's too early for WildStar to become F2P. All that and much more on this week's episode of the Free to Play Cast!
Discussion Timestamps:
03:52 ArcheAge/Trion Worlds Blues
17:09 Is Early Access good for anyone?
26:14 Is it time for WildStar to go F2P?
37:13 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb)
44:16 Questions and Answers of the Week
If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!
Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Cast via Youtube.
Today on Bomblive, Magicman jumps into Star Wars: The Old Republic to get his Juggernaut ready for the upcoming expansion.
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
a) having niche gameplay which attracts and cultivates super loyal playerbase;
b) going free to play or buy to play some time after launch;
c) being World of Warcraft.
WildStar is not a niche game, nor does it have a loyal playerbase apparently. It's also not WoW, so it's F2P/B2P or death for them. Whether or not it should go F2P within the next 3 months, I'm not entirely sure. What I know is that the less players they're going to have, the worse things will get. After a certain point the game would become not just unprofitable, but also unplayable. If they reach that point, even going F2P won't do them much good.
Bottom line: if they won't be able to increase the number of active players per server, then they should go F2P/B2P.
My DA-Bomb goes to Magicman for coming back to MMOBomb. I'm grateful to those who kept this place alive, but everything just wasn't the same without him. Damn, that "Helloo, internet!" brings back memories...
P.S. A-Bomb to the mustache though :D
a) having niche gameplay which attracts and cultivates super loyal playerbase;
b) going free to play or buy to play some time after launch;
c) being World of Warcraft.
WildStar is not a niche game, nor does it have a loyal playerbase apparently. It's also not WoW, so it's F2P/B2P or death for them. Whether or not it should go F2P within the next 3 months, I'm not entirely sure. What I know is that the less players they're going to have, the worse things will get. After a certain point the game would become not just unprofitable, but also unplayable. If they reach that point, even going F2P won't do them much good.
Bottom line: if they won't be able to increase the number of active players per server, then they should go F2P/B2P.
My DA-Bomb goes to Magicman for coming back to MMOBomb. I'm grateful to those who kept this place alive, but everything just wasn't the same without him. Damn, that "Hellloo, internet!" brings back memories...
P.S. A-Bomb to the mustache though ಠ_ಠ :D
I've seen exploits, hacks, racism and even porn right on the forums! Trion Sucks. This game was in need of a better publisher and they have been nothing but sheer FAIL.
Their security sucks. It's EASY to create a new account and spam. This is what other players do. Trion did absolutely nothing allowing the servers to back up the end-up when the game was first released. Their 'patches' to fix the botting DO NOT WORK and instead have been proven to BAN players instead. People whine constantly on the forums for illegitimate stuff and the lazy ones pretend there's no land when they don't even look for it.
People started botting after live-release when the servers were in queue for literally weeks. Hardly any reinforcement, scripted GM-Help, Trion Worlds is a mess. They shouldn't be in the business of gaming with customer-service THIS bad. ArcheAge got screwed up because of them. If they would have kepts under control and ignore the peasant-whining about I DON'T HAVE LAND bsers wanting to change everything about the game, then ArcheAge would have been better.
a) having a niche gameplay which attracts and cultivates a super loyal playerbase;
b) going free to play or buy to play some time after launch;
c) being World of Warcraft.
WildStar is not a niche game, nor does it have a loyal playerbase apparently. It's also not WoW, so it's F2P/B2P or death for them. Whether or not it should go F2P within the next 3 months, I'm not entirely sure. What I do know is that the less players they're going to have, the worse things will get. After a certain point the game would become not just unprofitable, but also unplayable. If they reach that point, even going F2P won't do them much good.
Bottom line: if they won't manage to increase the number of active players per server, then they should go F2P/B2P.
My DA-Bomb goes to Magicman for coming back to MMOBomb. I'm grateful to those who tried to keep this place alive, but it just wasn't the same.
P.S. A-Bomb to the mustache though ._. :D
2. developers and publishers complain all the time about torrents and stuff but they are all quiet when it comes to hacks. why dont they do something about that. or maybe they are selling those hacks them self for some extra profit.
3. Early Access is a scam. They should pay us to play their unfinished products and not the other way around.
In terms of Wildstar it had so much promise in the first few months, but there were just too many things that made it difficult for players to access content. Saying things are hardcore is one thing, but take the attunement for example, I dont think its hardcore just boring! Also obtaining end game gear, both PvE and PvP, was very tedious and didn't really seem to make much sense. I think Wildstar will go F2P in the next 6 months but I think they need to change some of its core functionality to address some of these issues.
Or of course they can be a bunch of assholes and do the let's make it Free 2 Play and then shut it down within a few months to a year... like I don't know... CITY OF HEROES!?