Elon Musk scores a win against one of DOTA’s best, Dauntless Founder's Alpha is live, all that and more, I’m Zach Sharpes and this… is Free to Play Weekly!...
On this week's show we dig into some Dauntless alpha and give our reviews so far, chat about games closing and others going F2P (with stealth!), and wrap it up with En Masse news by way of Closers Online and TERA Hacks (still..) All that and more on this week's Free to Play Cast!
Discussion Timestamps:
02:01 Dauntless Alpha Review
26:00 Going to F2P with Stealth/Skysaga Shutting Down
37:27 En Masse: Closers Online and TERA Hacks
42:27 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb)
52:19 Questions and Answers of the Week
If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!
Elon Musk scores a win against one of DOTA’s best, Dauntless Founder's Alpha is live, all that and more, I’m Zach Sharpes and this… is Free to Play Weekly!...
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
Most of the new elite specs have more flavor and new mechanics to play with than their Heart of Thorn's counter parts. It would have been nice to have more time to test them but the expack will be here soon enough.
When I first heard about mounts through the leaks I was actually dreading their addition. There are so many games (like Breath of the Wild) that make mounts a boring movement speed boost at the cost of the more interesting movement mechanics like platforming, climbing, gliding, etc. that make exploration far more fun. Since the primary reason Gw2 stuck with me was the platforming and exploration seeing that Anet gave each mount movement abilities and built platforming content around those abilities has completely changed my mind on them. Mounts in Gw2 are AMAZING!
P.S. to Troy: For most elite specs the new weapon is designed to complement the spec but isn't actually the meat of the spec so not only can you play the spec with a different weapon often older weapons are more effective. Most of the new skills and mechanics (the meat) you get with Soulbeast actually comes from absorbing your pet which lets you cast their skills using the function keys.
P.P.S. to Mike: Bearbow ranger (longbow ranger using a tanky pet like the bear) is the Gw2 pve equivalent of playing a pvp game against bots. ;)