Free to Play Cast: Closures, Shutdowns, Updates, and Departures! Ep 172

It's been two weeks since our last show due to Magicman moving, but we come back full force with multiple game closings and shutdowns, a plethora of games receiving updates, and some mysterious news on the Guild Wars 2 front. All that and more on this week's Free to Play Cast!

Discussion Timestamps:

02:14 Fable Legends and DarkScape are Cancelled/Shut Down
16:20 Multiple Game Updates (ASTA, Path of Exile, Skyforge, and Echo of Soul)
26:22 Colin Johanson Leave GW2
32:00 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb)
39:27 Questions and Answers of the Week

If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.

Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!

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Discussion (3)

Koroth21 9 years ago
Question of the week: one of my most nostalgic moments happened when I played a game that is not around no more and I miss it to be honest called... Zone 4 Fight Distract. It was a game that had a lot in it but one thing I loved in it was the Zombie fighting part. You was giving guns and all kinds of things and you had to survive waves of zombies. I remember when 4 of us did that and got to the last round and everyone died and I was the last one standing and we won. I felt amazing I felt that we owned those zombies. Also in the main part of the game you was giving skills like boxing, sumo, judo and stuff like that. Felt so good when u would take on a game boss and own them. I spent a lot of time in that game and it was the only game I ever put money in. Love Zone 4 you need to come just sayin lol.

Pieareround 9 years ago
Question of the week: one of my most nostalgic moments happened in Wrath of the Lich King. At this point in time, all my mains in WoW were on Akama, a PvP server. That meant ganks were the way of the world. When this moment occurred, I was rolling around Icecrown on my Blood Elf Paladin, listening to Dream Theater and collecting Saronite and Titanium to make the big bucks on the Auction House. Many of the mining nodes spawned right around the main structure of Icecrown Citadel, right near some very powerful elite mobs. I was in my prot spec, carefully skirting around said mobs and gathering the precious ores, when a stupid Warrior decided to attack me. Naturally, the fight quickly moved into the nearby piles of giant skeletons and ghouls. Being that I had more AOE damage, as this was the period of Consecration and AFK to tank, I pulled more aggro from the mobs. So, I wound up tanking the warrior and several elites. It didn't look good. Somehow, I managed to kill the Warrior, destroy all the mobs, and survive. I didn't see the Warrior again after that, for some reason. The best part? My brother was watching over my shoulder when this happened, so I had a witness.

ElusiveXTreasure 9 years ago
For the question of the week... geeze to pick -one- nostalgic moment? I think I would have to say it was my trip to Jeuno in FFXI... me as WHM, my hubby as WAR, and my friends as RDM and THF respectively, all inching along, holding our breaths as we wove between potentially lethal mobs just trying to get to the next zone. Haven't felt anything like that since, until I ported out of the starter zone In Project:Gorgon into an incorrect, higher level zone and the hubby and I had to weave our way back to the right one. Who knew snow could hurt so much?

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