Free to Play Cast: CABAL 2 Review and Trion Worlds Tries Again Review Ep. 144

This week our panel sits down to chat about Trion Worlds bringing yet another overseas title to the States, we look at Blade & Souls's cash shop and offer our take on it, and cap it all off with our CABAL 2 review. Open Beta is live if you want to try it out yourself! All that and more on this week's Free to Play Cast.

Discussion Timestamps:

02:19 Trion Worlds and Devilian Online
15:30 Blade & Souls's Cash Shop Reveal
31:10 CABAL 2 Review
47:50 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb)
53:20 Questions and Answers of the Week

If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.

Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!

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Discussion (5)

Marco 9 years ago
Trion? Publishers of Archage? will take control of Cabal 2?......listen everyone has to learn there lessons in the online gaming world and i learned my lesson the hard way concerning Publishers. Lesson is, if you come across a Publisher who is out give every F2P gamer a disadvantage the more the playeer Porgresses in a Game, leave the Game and /Ignore the Publisher. I cant count how many times i wanted to Play a game, found out that game was Published by Company that has P2W Reputation and i gave up on the game. Today i wanted to download Cabal2, found out Trion is the Publisher and the Best thing i can do is /Ignore the Game.

Aaron 9 years ago
Id have to give a DaBomb to path of exile and the team at GGG. Just an all around fantastic game when it comes to content, replay-ability, balancing, monetization. Also with the release of their next big update right around the corner they never failed to keep their players in the loop every step of the way. Well done GGG (Grinding Gear Games)

teppic 9 years ago
Re Trion, I'm not sure that anyone *still* playing ArcheAge after all this would be the best judge, as it seems they'll put up with basically anything the company does to them and still throw their credit cards at them asking for more. I'm not going to touch another of their games after all the enormous lies and their hard pursuit of gambling boxes as a way to progress, and would only change my mind if they actually earnt a good reputation against. I won't hold my breath.

x4ever 9 years ago
Hey guys luv the show.

For the question of the week; correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Devilian go into beta in 2012 in Korea. So my answer to that question is the same as yours was when it came to playing Echo of Soul and Cabal 2.

Also an ABOMB to Guild Wars 2 for changing the trait system and actually making the core game worse, in addition to an overpriced expansion.

And another ABOMB to Marvel Heroes for the changes they made to the team up system. It takes I believe, but I could be wrong, approximately 3 to 5 times more experience to level a team-up hero to max level than it does an actual hero. And before they made the change the team-ups were all synced to your current characters level. So you literally went from having a level 60 team-up with all abilities unlocked to having a level 1 team up with nothing. And I just defended this very game in a recent comment on MMOBomb and literally 2 days later they implemented this change....... FML. Never again will I defend any MMO EVER!!!

Btw you said we could ask general questions as well, so here's mine: considering that I'm running low on MMOs I don't hate, what games do you guys play in your free time other than Echo of Soul with Zach lol?

TORK 9 years ago

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CABAL 2 - First Look Gameplay

CABAL 2 is a free to play MMORPG that utilizes tab targeting but adds in a Combo system and a skill chain system in a traditional fantasy setting.

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