Chronicle: Runescape Legends gets an open beta date, Blade & Soul’s Warlock class is arriving soon, all that and more, I’m Zach Sharpes and this… is Free To Play Weekly!...
On this week's Free to Play Cast, we take some viewer questions to the extreme and make them an entire topic. Check it out as we talk about the MMOS that got us started and how we would bring new players into the fold. We also add in a few game updates coming our way. All that and more on this week's Free to Play Cast!
Discussion Timestamps:
03:07 How we got started and bringing in new players
24:01 Multiple Game updates
33:08 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb)
40:35 Questions and Answers of the Week
If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!
Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Cast via Youtube.
Chronicle: Runescape Legends gets an open beta date, Blade & Soul’s Warlock class is arriving soon, all that and more, I’m Zach Sharpes and this… is Free To Play Weekly!...
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
It came at the right time with the right IP, but does it deliver?
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
We both bought the game at around the same time but i was left to solo and make my own way...which probably was for the best.
As for introducing new players....WoW had to be the go to game, most MMO's were fantasy based and the ease at which you got into WoW was incredible, just a shame the butchered themselves with each progressing patch...to the point that WoW players trying any other game were twisted in wanting it as easy as WoW made it.
Two da bombs...make that three
One Da-Bomb for (you guessed it) Path of Exiles new patch...been playing for years and these big (but not new act adding) patches have managed to excite me yet again with what is being added....especially the latest and last sub class announcement for the Scion class.
Second Da-Bomb for Disgaea PC...nostalgia is strong with this one and very happy to see it finally ported to the PC (even though it probably deserves an A-Bomb for it's issues)
And third, Da-Bomb for the PS2 network adapter...never did get to play FFXI in the UK but for some of the other games (TOCA and Star Wars Battlefront) good times were had
QOTW: I believe my first MMO was technically Flyff, although the first MMO that I really devoted a significant amount time into was Adventure Quest Worlds. I've since, more or less, stopped playing both games. I'll occasionally jump into an event on AQW . but you couldn't get me to touch Flyff with a 10 foot pool.
BTW: A bomb to the guy who mentioned "Trekkers" for reminding me of the goddamned lectures my aunt used to give me about the difference between them and "Trekkies". Seriously, she got really intense about it. -_-