Free to Play Cast: ArenaNet's Twitter Decisions and Warframe's Stunning Week Ep. 268

On this week's show we dig deep into the controversy surrounding ArenaNet after they fire an employee over their personal Twitter use when it collides with business and we talk about Warframe's huge steps in the last month and some of their TennoCon reveals. All that and more on this week's Free to Play Cast!

Discussion Timestamps:

01:34 ArenaNet's Firing of Employees Over Twitter Use
01:00:20 Warframe "Switch"es it Up
01:09:15 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb)
01:14:25 Questions and Answers of the Week

If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.

Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!

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Discussion (6)

ElusiveXTreasure 6 years ago
About the whole twitter debacle... I think it's fairly clear to me. First of all, social media is ridiculous. It had good intentions as a venue of communication, but a lot of times it's just like a room full of people screaming nonsense at one another. I think at times it does more harm than good. Too much emphasis is placed on public perception now. There was always an emphasis on it, but since things like twitter and facebook, it has become more so. Add in the public's overly sensitive nature and things being taken out of context and things just get out of hand. Furthermore, typing doesn't translate vocal inflection, so it becomes hard to tell when one is being sarcastic, especially if you've ever known someone with an especially dry sense of humor. The Dev in question didn't get to defend herself because the company simply didn't care about the truth. Public perception was what mattered, so they put out the fire and didn't bother to find its source. For the part of those involved in the spat, if people were to speak to people on social media as though you were talking to them face to face this wouldn't be a problem. But the internet being anonymous and people having no perceived consequences for their words make that an impossibility. Frankly I think if Twitter weren't a thing, these people would never have had to worry about being fired because the situation simply wouldn't have happened.


Da-bomb to my new demon wings mount/wardrobe piece in Rift, probably my new favorite mount ever. And a second Da-bomb to Defiance 2050, been having a blast in it! The way everything successfully promotes teamwork has always been a draw for me in original Defiance, and it's nice to see it in 2050 as well. Wierd-bomb to the naming algorithm in 2020 though.... my hubby tried to create a character with a fairly normal name and it claimed there was profanity in it. Spent several moments trying to figure out what it was making out of the name... when we couldn't we put in a ticket. Hopefully they'll be able to let him have it.

Nesogra 6 years ago
The f2p game I want on the switch is Gw2. I believe it would appeal to Nintendo fans because of it's approach to exploration, focus on gameplay and aesthetics over realism, and being a game that's easy to pick up and play for fifteen minutes then put down. I want to say it has one of the most welcoming online communities but this is probably the worst time to be making that point...


P.S. Thank you for being one of the few places that treated the Jessica Price fiasco fairly. My only comment on it is I wish the whole thing didn't happen.

Curst 6 years ago
This episode got way too political, it was rather difficult to watch.

japansfreak 6 years ago
I just broth a switch so nice timing with the question i would love to see hartsone and or diablo III on the switch

The House Always Wins 6 years ago
QotW: My no-limitation Switch port would have to be Conan Exiles. I just wanna see boobs and dong on a Nintendo system before I die.

Also, an addendum to Jason's Warframe-slash-Lawbreakers A-bomb. Warframe had 10,000 concurrent in its first few months while LB only had 3000, but Warframe was also free while LB charged $30 for itself for some reason. I have no doubt in my mind that if Lawbreakers had released free to play (like it was supposed to) then it would be in a much better state than it is now, i.e. not dead.

Haidrex Skye Shadow 6 years ago
A DA-bomb to warframe , i can say more but there is no use , it's too obvious why ,congratulations and good job .
And an A-bomb to Heroes of the storm , the way they usually hype the community for a new hero is to put a picture on twitter without any caption , and for 3 days reveal more and more of the picture to see who the new hero is , i love that shit , mostly because i'm a huge blizzard universe fan , so i usually start analyzing , reading , searching ''who can it be ? just to be stabbed in the back with : we have new skins , YEY! , the next hero is coming if you are lucky next month, SUCKERS !
QOTW probably a very unpopular opinion but , i don't like nintendo whatsoever , i despise them , so about the switch , i don't god damn give a flick , for me it can just burn and i would be happy , flick nintendo and all of there universes , actually the games are at most for me ok i just hate the people that run the flipping company ( see mario = copyright and go fuck yourself )

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