Free to Play Cast: 2017 Predictions, Anticipation, and Horror Game Updates Ep 206

On this week's show we make some pretty bold predictions about a few 2017 MMO topics, talk about our 2017 most anticipated list, and delve into some updates on a prior topic regarding horror MMOs. All that and more on this week's Free to Play Cast!

Discussion Timestamps:

01:53 2017 Free-to-Play Predictions
20:20 Horror Games Update
26:03 2017 Most Anticipated
33:00 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb)
42:01 Questions and Answers of the Week

If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.

Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!

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Discussion (6)

Adrian 8 years ago
(Hope i'm not to late to answer.)
qotw: Hard to decide on one, but most anticipated for me in 2017 it's probably Fortnite (that if they decide to get out of closed testing and stop with the wipes). I chose it over other games, because i found it to be very enjoyable, even in alpha, and it even felt more complete then many open testing/released titles.

Pennlion 8 years ago
Laplace is the latest release from X-Legend and was released last year. It is known as Seventh Dark in Japan. It is supposed to be a kind of action RPG like Diablo. While not yet announced these games tend to go from announcement to release in 6 months or less. This would make the 6th title with Aeria Games if Digoman Hunter is still around that long. PS they also did a server merge of the English and French servers for Eden Eternal..

ElusiveXTreasure 8 years ago
A-bomb to dungeon jerks. One of the reasons I love RIFT so much is the community. They don't immediately start blaming each other or ragequit on a wipe, they don't tend to complain about helping someone out with a dungeon quest, and they don't generally nitpick about someone's build. In fact, on the character in question, I've never had anyone comment on her build at all, except to compliment her damage. Now I don't have a damage meter, but given that it wasn't just once, I have to assume her damage is decent. Her build is un-traditional being about 50% Void Knight (tank), 50% Beastmaster (support). I did this because her main purpose is farming so I wanted AoE and survivability. I didn't feel the need to work out a separate build for dungeons since I'm only queing for normals and past experts, not current content, so I just que as support. Today, I got into a dungeon and the tank and healer immediately started harping on me to switch to a strictly DPS spec. I replied that I qued as support, and that was what I was built as. They continued to bother me both in party chat and whispers that I could que as support but go dps. I replied that I could also que as support and... I dunno... be support, and that I wasn't changing my build just for them. Then I dropped. I've never pulled threat off a tank despite having some tanky abilities, and I always make sure my support buffs are up. I'm a big believer in dungeon etiquette (i.e. let the tank pull, protect the healer, only need if you need), but that just seemed ridiculous to me.

Hellsworth 8 years ago
Thank you for the answer guys but, competitive arena rage shooters are not my style and I did try Shadowverse and played all the story but honestly I've quit all TCG/CCGs because everything feels copy paste and does NOT meet MTG versatility.
A-Bomb to S"Bite Me" Rivals - The Return of the Unimaginative Cash Grab!!!" is all I have to say about this (btw wouldn't it be great for Hi-Rez to make an ARPG right now, seriously, with some arenas and dungeon attack modes and such for e-sports? And WTH 65 people to make a "Cash Royale", oh wait, I guess they'll need those to put a card system in it and call it a title). Da-Bomb to Wildstar not only because they have new content but because honestly I feel the team is trying to make something cool but that bad rep keeps hitting them in the face (also to mention that, for me and as a f2p'er, Wildstar has one of the best mmo stores out there right now).

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