Forsaken World: First Look Video

Forsaken World is a free to play 3D fantasy mmorpg developed by Perfect World and is one of the most highly-anticipated games from the company to date.

Find more about Forsaken World at:

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Discussion (5)

tetris 13 years ago
Hey wat level r u now in forsaken world steve? If u don't know wat soulforce use for it for a strong attak that use a 100 soulforce and also to get the strong attak u should get at level 10 and each strong attak is different from the rest.(If u didn't know wat was soulforce use as)

metallior 13 years ago
I have played it it is great

Perfectos 13 years ago
Thank you for info it was a nice game from perfect world again

apples_aden 13 years ago

TracyX 13 years ago
It would have been nice to get a video from someone who knows a little more about the game and can talk a little more in depth about it. But it does say "First Look" so I guess I can't complain to much. :P

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