Bullet Run is a 3D semi-futuristic FPS published by Sony Entertainment.
On the first episode of our new series, Foreign Fridays, Spunkify checks out Phantasy Star Online 2 a new MMO published by Sega and currently available only in Japan. Check out the in-depth character creation, crazy boss fights, multi-party instances, interchangeable weapons, and other unique traits of Phantasy Star Online 2. Spunkify gives us the complete rundown on whether Phantasy Star Online 2 is a game you should have on your radar!
Foreign Fridays is a series where we take a look at free to play MMO games currently only available in Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, China, and more. We try it out and tell you what is interesting about it, whether we think it will be a success in the EU/NA markets, and if you should try it out right now! Watch this exclusive series right here on MMObomb.com every Friday!
Don´t forget to subscribe to Foreign Fridays via Youtube.
Bullet Run is a 3D semi-futuristic FPS published by Sony Entertainment.
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
I followed some guides to make an account and guessed my way through the download and install process.
I don't speak a work of japanese and I do have the time to learn but I'm too lazy.
Now I know there is an english patch but I was told on pso-world.com that JP sega posted on their website that if they catch you using an english patch they'll ban you.
They didn't really specify so I don't know if it's just your account that gets banned or if it's an IP block.
Does anyone know if this is true or was I told wrong?? (Please say I was told wrong).
*No lag
*any chats somewhere ?
Just In Case Anyone Else Is Wondering About Where To Find The Patch. The Guys Who Made The Patch Rule, And Humbly Have My Thanks. Though The Game Was Fine In Japanese, Just Took A Little Bit Of Time To Alt Tab Back And Forth (in Windowed Full Screen) To Websites That Have Information, And Majority of Translations Down.
Enjoy All, And Thank You So Much For Doing This Spunkify, I Love PSO2, Well, All PSO Games.
Asia without a doubt will be the best region to feature online games from, but sometimes there is some nice EU stuff that could be worthy of an episode! Awesome new show!
Now I wonder where you get the english patch because your's seems like the best around.
Could you send me a pm with the info because I can't find anything on the forums either.
Thanks ;D
The game looks totally awesome, i was a little concerned when you mentioned a little of the grind on the earlier levels, but like you also said, the game just looks like a blast to play, so a little grind wouldn't matter to me, i cannot wait to play it.
Thanks again for the vid.
I'm curious though as to why the character customisation is in English instead of Japanese, unless you applied some sort of English patch for that particular section.
Check my youtube channel to see some Boss action, search for "darkchapters"