Foreign Fridays: Hounds Online Ep. 6

On this episode of Foreign Fridays, Spunkify tries to survive the alien zombie infested world of the third person shooter Hounds Online! Hounds Online pits up to 6 players in predominantly PvE scenarios where they must complete objectives against hordes of the alien infected. The game offers several classes, varied locales and missions, boss fights, and an MMO progression system complete with tiered gear and unlockable skills.

Foreign Fridays is a series where we take a look at free to play MMO games currently only available in Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, China, and more. We try it out and tell you what is interesting about it, whether we think it will be a success in the EU/NA markets, and if you should try it out right now! Watch this exclusive series right here on every Friday!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Foreign Fridays via Youtube Youtube.

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Discussion (9)

crunchybones 11 years ago
When will this be out to play? Or beta for us here in the United States?

Mitchzje 11 years ago

Golgo28 11 years ago
looks col and all.But I don't know about the whole 2014 release.And I'm so glad I live in the states and not korea.Requiring a social seems a little restrictive.Not to mention intrusive.

Woooser 11 years ago
This game seems really cool, i might play it mayb.
@spunkify If your looking for more games for foreign fridays, check out Tiara Concerto(JP version) on the japanese gamania website its in open beta atm and not released yet but you can play it now because it has open ID, which you can also use like your facebook account to play. I was(and many people were) looking forward to the game when it was announced on the US gamania(or beanfun) but ya know its gone now, so yeah. I'm not sure many people know that the JP version of Tiara Concerto is in open beta.

bigred76 11 years ago
is there a way we can play this now because it looks good

Humor 11 years ago
lol @ If I had friends I would play.

Guess you're not overly popular Spunkify haha.

Nice to see you doing this again. Maybe you should make friend with Steparu. I'm sure you know who that is. Make well with him, and BAM, you could start a whole list of Foreign Fridays.

Should do Arch-Age Next. Or Arche-Age. That would be an interesting one.

slaughterer0 11 years ago
Mounted !!!!
wanna play so badly

Zipp 11 years ago
Looks like Mercenary Online (PH) :D

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