Fistful of Frags - Gameplay First Look

Fistful of Frags is a completely F2P western themed FPS inspired by old spaghetti western films. Unlike other more fast paced FPS, FoF forces players to slow down and steady their aim in order to successfully score hits. Players have access to classic western themed weaponry including dual wielding revolvers, single shot rifles, dynamite and throwing knives.

To find more about Fistful of Frags check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (8)

`Ghost 10 years ago
Good game,Fun game,and Crazy game nothing unbalanced. Skill is only required like being fast and having good reflexes :) and strategy too for example putting the explosive barrel near the door and shoot when the enemy comes and when an enemy is holding a dynamite you can shoot it and it will explode to them.This game is required to play :D

Chuckvs 10 years ago
Pass the whiskey! >:D

Agrijjag 10 years ago
Good game, Not much content but whats there is just right!

hesham killer 10 years ago

Unjustified 10 years ago
Rightclick when holding 1 revolver is not zoom,it just seems like it because it brings the gun closer to the middle of the screen. It is actually fanning, you shoot faster but you are not as accurate. It is meant for cqc.

PsydeFX 10 years ago

Pedobear 10 years ago
Mounted little kid

Ruy 10 years ago
hehe first time i refresh the mmobomb and theres a new post =D
Hello from Portugal (y)
Must try this game =) still great first look =D like allways

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