Firefall Event: Raid Boss Baneclaw - Gameplay Action

In celebration of Firefall's recent open beta weekends, Spunkify teamed up with some community members and devs from Red5 in order to take on the game's introductory open world "raid boss" Baneclaw! Watch as the action gets heavy and the frames begin to plummet. There's even time to stop and have a couple luau dances!

To find more about Firefall check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

In our Gameplay Action video series we revisit our favorite free to play MMORPG and MMO games checking out new updates, events, or just having fun! Count also with walktroughs, guides and much more.

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Discussion (22)

iHoodz 11 years ago

jamvaru 11 years ago
i mean 'First Person Shooter' view... maybe fpp is correct
i don't understand why they can't just make a free floating camera that can have any perspective
the non-leveling idea is also good
could do both, like gran turismo, have an arcade option and a 'campaign' option
kind of a no brainer; this is next gen time, folks; quit copying blizzard

GAZ 11 years ago
I look forward to some upcoming games in April. For example, Age of Wushu.

auan 11 years ago
I hope there is one unique sandbox game like Age of Wushu. I'd like to try new play mode without tasks and leveling. You can learn thousands of martial arts internal skills. TANK/DPS/HEALER is what I really want.

jamvaru 12 years ago
is there no fps view?

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ZhaoYun 12 years ago
hopefully i was lucky to play firefall early i got into the beta 2 days after i register for it so i can play wherever anyone who wishes to add me my game name is zhaoyun4ever

And like adrian said that was indeed a good stream

Cyberpunk 12 years ago
I played firefall over the open beta weekend and just couldn't get into it,just felt to child like, game-play and the style of it.

blackjoker86 12 years ago
damn that looks real epic

Name (Required) 12 years ago

Adrian87 12 years ago
This was a good stream. Grats to BaneBusters for their performance. They really did a nice show.

Spammie 12 years ago

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Name (Required) 12 years ago
stfu about mounted, it's stupid

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