In this episode of the Free-to-Play Podcast, the team discuss the recent legal battle between Hex: Shards of Fate and Magic the Gathering, the unfortunate closure of ArcheBlade, and the recent announcement of the completely F2P ...
Today on Bomblive we check out Aeria Game's upcoming FPS F.E.A.R. Online. Based on the popular single player series, F.E.A.R. Online aims to bring the atmosphere of the original into a multiplayer PvP and PvE setting. Join us as we journey to discover just how scary a multiplayer shooter can actually be.
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BombLive is the official MMOBomb livestream show where viewers get to watch and interact with their favorite MMOBomb hosts! We pick some of the latest free to play games to play with our fans in this full hour live show! Come enjoy a livestream broadcast on our official Live Stream page: http://www.twitch.tv/mmobomb every Wednesday at 2PM PST.
In this episode of the Free-to-Play Podcast, the team discuss the recent legal battle between Hex: Shards of Fate and Magic the Gathering, the unfortunate closure of ArcheBlade, and the recent announcement of the completely F2P ...
A Paragon-inspired project actually see the light of day, but can it compete with a crowded field of MOBAs?
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
F.E.A.R. in name only.
There are also bows, what...? There were never any bows in any of the FEAR games, they're quite powerful too. Snipers and bows seem a bit too powerful to me. People claim there are already hackers in it too. Another issue I have is that the maps seem really really tiny which is disappointing to me.
There are a lot of odd translations and just text that makes no sense or isn't clear. Sometimes if you fail it will say you succeed, sometimes if you succeed it will say you fail so I have no clue what's going on. One of the objectives for deathmatch is "kill enemies 3 times in a raw", yes, raw. I'm guessing that means 3 times in a row but I don't know exactly what they are referring to. It's not a kill streak of 3, I'm sure I've killed the same person 3 times throughout the match, still didn't get that completed. I'm going to assume you have to kill the same person 3 times without dying yourself. It's just not clear at all to me.
Either way, it's pretty fun but has absolutely nothing to do with FEAR aside from having Alma plastered everywhere. Doesn't play like FEAR and doesn't feel like FEAR. It's very rough around the edges too. Only a 2gb download though.