F2P Cast: You Can Eat Them Dry? (Ep.21)

On this longer than normal episode we speculate on Square Enix and GameGlobe, give our opinions on the upcoming Allods patch, spend some time with Kiz Studios talking about Smashmuck Champions, and find out tht our viewer eat some really weird things sometimes. We hear from countries all over the world, and clear up the Firefall Firends invites we're giving away. Tune in and get ready to have some fun as Magicman and Selfius two man the show due to the Mother's Day Holiday!

If you have submissions for the show’s Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.

Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)

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Discussion (19)

Mrkein 12 years ago
this is what i like about MMObomb.com
Magicman always respond to players and talk to us not like other sites :D:D
keep the good work love MMOBOMB

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scheme 12 years ago
Magicman , I LOVE YOUR SHOW , i only ask one thing can you guys please upload the episodes to itunes quicker , it takes you guys days to upload it and by the time i have to go to work its never uploaded =(

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Eugen 12 years ago
magicman i LOVE this show ...:D:D
i show it to some friend and you got 10 more subscribers :)

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Emil 12 years ago
I was wondering who plays the games while you do the show... I mean It's a recording, thats obvious :D But the one who is playing is crazy. Especially on World of Battles :D I'm not saying i'm the best buuut your case is just waw :D I'm curious what genre of games do you guys play (Magicman and the others)..

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Mainwolf9 12 years ago
*........Waiting for Never winter beta key, day 4......*

Zero0ninja 12 years ago
I think the server merger is a good thing because i hate it in an mmo when all 5 or 7 servers have all "low" or "normal" status when i prefer (since i have a good pc) to have servers that are just so freaking packed with people that u cant walk two feet without walking through anyone in the hub. The only downside to this is the fact the hub's chat is so packed that your friends message has already drowned in text the moment they hit enter. I also agree with you Selfius that i really can't play a game without a good community or at least SOME type of social interaction with someone because that's the reason their call MMOS! In dragons nest it is hard to find a good group that isn't AFK. Love your show, the longer it is the funnier.

TheGamer 12 years ago
Hi guys, for the question of the week, i say that the server merging is a good thing, because while i played allods the game cities were empty, and it was very difficult to find a party to do some instances, hopes this server merging "fix" that, since allods is a well done and polished game.See you guys in THE server xD

Rinor 12 years ago
First of all smoki or however he spelt it :P its like another Balkan form Cheetos they are really nice cus its peanuts instead of cheese !! :D :P but yea for the combining the servers i think this is an amazinggggggg idea seriously a lot of games needed to do this a longggggggg time ago i mean if more games did this i might not be playing, i know its not free 2play but if warhammer age of reckoning did this i wouldnt be play F2P games right now that game needed something like this. so in all its a great thing gets a larger community and playerbase so cool beans ! :D

Dish 12 years ago
Awesome show guys . Found it on youtube few weeks ago loved it cant get enough of it. Answering the question I think its awesome thing more players in one place = profit to comunity and no more stress while deciding which server to choose. Bombing with you from Lithuania!

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Drax9 12 years ago
Great show guys watching this at 12:12am over in Australia i have abomb/ good bomb for aion for going F2P and allowing my life to have a new game to play :D. I think the new update has me downloading Allods online again and... that's so awesome.All right need to catch some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's. I would like a beta key because i would like to have some PVP with my possible lost older brother Magicman (because we both are kinda getting there in pvp) and yea owning each other at the same time XD cya guys on the sever's cya later Guys awesome show by the way :D

drorel3 12 years ago
Selphius [hope i say the name ok..] Cant wait until u get in to firefall beta, the game is really fun.
Keep rocking, i really happy for the C9 beta giveaway.. =]

Wanna drop an D bomb [hope this the good ones] for firefall.. The game is suprisenly good. The day and night circles is well made, the combat is slick and the night is actually dark.. And a great PVP!

Keep being awesome =]

jeromy 12 years ago
I see people doing it all the time so imma be a smart...and say FIRST

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