F2P Cast: Yes, We Talk About Tera! (Ep 56)

The biggest news of the week dropped just days after the recording of the previous Free to Play Cast so we get to talk about Tera going free to play this week. Some interesting bombs, a Warframe revisit, and Elder Scrolls Online payment speculation rounds out a VERY full show!

Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)

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Discussion (88)

HiIAM**OfTheWeek 12 years ago
In TERA I'm gonna choose Sorcerer, because I'm pretty stupid, it said on tera.enmasse gameguide that skill required is 2/5.

Hamza 12 years ago
Where to download O.O please send me link on this email:

LordHikaru 12 years ago
Hey Folks. Good show. I've played the Discovery Edition for Tera for a little bit. I think the game is alright. It looks great. Typical quest grind but at this point that's pretty mute. I find the combat much better than Raiderz but I honestly prefer the combat in C9 for the shear fact its a bit faster paced. I've thought about buying the game but I dunno yet. I'm still on the fence.

As for the fishing game... sure why not. Why do we always have be committing mass genocide against every possible monster race? Why not take out the fish population for once.

KalameesJr 12 years ago
So I did exactly like Magicman suggested and got myself the Tera trial. Played it straight for 3 days. Here are my yays and nays or Tera!

1) The game looks gorgeous. There is no denying that its a pretty piece of a game.
2) It's really well optimized. It runs well on my machine that sometimes even has trouble running WoW.
3) It's a perv/pedo dreamland.

1) By far the most boring quests I have ever encountered in any game. This is coming from somebody who levelled 7 toons to lvl 80 in WoW.
2) The fabled action combat is not all that impressive. When I got into the game I was hoping for the combat to be something along the lines of DCUO or Vindictus. However in the end all you do in Tera is just hitting 1,2,3 all over again just like in any other hotkey based MMO.
3) The combat feels clunky at times. I felt it most on my mystic when I always stopped briefly when I tried to cast spells. As somebody who has played frost mage in WoW the moving combat felt incredibly bad.

Oh well just my thoughts on Tera after trying it, anybody interested in the game take this post with a grain of salt and just go and try it out yourself.

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rockmeo 12 years ago
magicman , good job every show you and the free to play cast get better at this , you madme laugh a lot today , and thx to you ima give it a shot to headstart tera .... i hope i like it , since wizadrdy disapointed me .

Denato 12 years ago
yo bro so i herd you liek fishin....so we put fishin in an mmo and.....NOTHING ELSE! Have fun y'all!

Essedess 12 years ago
I went ahead and started on the "Discovery Edition" to get a jump start as was said in the video. First class I rolled was a Castanic Sorcerer, because i just love magic user classes. And to my delight the sorcerer class isn't nearly as fragile as in alot of games and the ability to "Dodge!!" as Piccolo said in DBZ Abridged increases its survivability even more, totally possible ( if a little hectic at times) for me to take on groups of 10 enemies at once with her. I am currently searching for and trying to scrape together a little extra cash to buy a box for that founder status, but im totally not above registering with multiple yahoo accounts to get all the character classes since im the type of person that HAS to have every class in a game, even if i don't particularly like a class :P.

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WarhammerzRule 12 years ago
i rolled up every class in tera thing lvl 20 and the funest class for me was archer its the best ever
the archer is a fast phased kind and it is exciting igot to lvl 47 in my friends subed acount he let me have it this last 2 weeks it is very easy to solo bosses i love the game but im worried about endgame

i have an a bomb to ESO cuz it is probably gonna be sub or buy and im flat broke

untill then im gonna get some money and pass the time with tera and be happy ^_^

Elveone 12 years ago
Long time listener, first time poster here.

I would like to address several things here.

Neverwinter classes names: I am sure someone must have posted it already but just in case nobody did - the names of the classes in Neverwinter are the names of suggested builds in D&D 4th Edition. Yeah they might sound dumb but it is not the game's fault - they were never meant to be official class names but more likely they described what the particular build of this class is supposed to be. For example - Defender Fighter Defends, the Great Weapon Fighter wields huge weapons, Control Wizard controls enemies and War Wizard is more focused on damage. It is kinda strange decision to make their classes out of the builds and the why of it is going to be revealed only when we finally get our hands on the game,

Open world action MMOs: I don't think there is one that really does it well enough at the moment. TERA and Raiderz both feel just a little bit too slow and the attacks you can off in them are kinda boring and The Secret World and Guild Wars 2 do not even qualify as action-MMOs. Still there are so little of these kind of games and gamers seem to be willing to endure sub-par combat systems to satisfy their hunger for that kind of gameplay. I am still amazed that nobody remembers The Chronicles of Spellborn - it had fast, skill based combat system that required player skill, thought and expanded with character progression. Too bad the game really came out before it's time and a series of unfortunate events killed it too soon...

Question of the week: I think you asked the question two times - one time for Neverwinter and one time for TERA. In TERA I would play either warrior, berserker or slayer. They seem very similar to me with only a slight difference in pacing. The warrior would be my default choice(two swords) but it seems too slow for the weapon she is wielding and the self-injury mechanic is kinda off-putting. In Neverwinter I would probably roll a Trickster Rogue first(if there isn't a spellblade or dual sword wielding class) because of the really long daggers he is wielding.

Weekly bomb: D-Bomb is going to Warframe's enemy factions - I didn't think much of it at the beginning but fighting different factions of enemies really do feel different(well, not really in groups but when soloing it is a whole different matter). A-bomb goes to Warframe's warframe building system - to be able to get a new warframe you have to buy the blueprint from the market, then gather 3 different blueprints for the parts that are required to build the warframe blueprint and gather rare parts for each of the components. Each component is built for 12 hours and then the warframe is built for 3 days. Each rare components is dropped once in several runs from a boss guy... I know that there should be something to keep you interested in the game and there should be some kind of progression treadmill but come on!

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Hofman2HQ 12 years ago
Well that's going to suprise you but i'm not going to play TERA online and even more suprise
an A bomb for tera for being late to become F2P and i will explain, Tera is an Action combat MMORPG, well when it first launch it was unique and very good...
Now we got a few MMORPG that i'm not saying does it better, they just already doing that for couple of months...
And of course a DaBomb for Warframe to been freaking awesome shit!!! very fun with friends and strangers and i'm don't agree with Magicman about low capacity of revives, you should just make
a strategy for the game and just reply it every mission.
Love your show and shout out for israel! :)

Agitated 12 years ago
yeah just looked at the dates.

Agitated 12 years ago
Tera came out before SWTOR and before THE SECRET WORLD. Tera is also the last one to go F2P out of those 3. Shame for SWTOR really enjoyed that game.

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Donald 12 years ago

I'm not too upset about the release pushback for Wizardy Online,unlike a few others I didn't take vacation time to play through the entire first week of full release. I'm still very excited about the release now pushed back to the 30th(And I even expect it not being up until 2-3 days after that). Anyway, I wish they would stop putting out media that makes the game look so boring. (referring to the Underground Dragoon Dungeon video)

neokiva 12 years ago
question of the week doesn't apply really so ill tell you my current rolled in order of roll high elf archer high elf sorcerer castanic warrior elin berserker( word to the wise avoid the cat ear black magic cosmetic item if you play elin, the cat ears are fine but i got the black magic first try turns out its not a dress but a black playboy bunny outfit with high heels and fishnets O.o) amani priest (may play later but have rolled) love the fact tera is going f2p, and the fact they are adding content at launch (5 mounts 1 battle ground a raid

iulixmax 12 years ago
Hi guys i am a big fan of your show ai bin watching from the start ai i like all the host ther in special magic man hi is the man
and i have a idea of a show like a comic show you all are very funny gays and i really like magikman voices hi maiks in the show
and keep all the good work you do because it is very important that you do for me and others Gamers in the world sory for my bad Eng i em from Romania

Reaper5167 12 years ago
Great show magicman, damina and brim lickins ;) been a busy week for me, finally had time to check out warframe, loving it, graphics are amazing, gameplay's cool, community is crap but hey, at least the environment is pretty so i can have my attention deviated elsewhere haha, oh and my da bomb for this week is for you guys for making my week, and a da bomb for the only game i've played in a month, warframe. As for the question of the week, i'd like to be a warrior, as you mentioned it's more of a evasion tank, i think that play style will suit me, because in any game i play, that's usually the role i pick, the nimble fighter, you know... the float like a butterfly,sting like a bee thing, oh and by the way, i hope neverwinter changes their rouge trickster's name into "the stealthy one", goes well with the big weapon fighter hahaha. Cheers guys and have a great week :)

Ewoker19 12 years ago
Da Bomb to SWTOR for story nothing else
And For Question of the week i will role a healer cause healers in tera are OP

EvilBazoo 12 years ago
Raiderz has become borring

will try Tera

tritian 12 years ago
when does it go free to play? just says feb? so feb 1st?

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jellopy 12 years ago
Not going to try it. I subbed for three months at launch, find the game to be great. Nice graphics,great gameplay and awesome art direction but I only have time for one game of this fashion and Guild Wars 2 is taking up my time. A couple other reasons being the ungodly huge client file and the initial swarm of free players on the server might lead to insanity so i will hold off a bit. I do recommend it though. It is a nice game for what it is.

xcr00k3dx 12 years ago
I was going to try Tera, had it downloaded & everything so I could get a , but my potato can't handle it D,=> The Unreal engine bugs out on my machine no matter what game it seems to be. ,_,
I was going to roll a Wizard (the class with the gyro thingy that looks similar a Sorcerer from Aion) so I could hurl fireballs at people like a boss, but the engine bugged out & I couldn't actually CREATE a character. So I have an A-Bomb to my computer, for being a potato. And to my wallet, for being empty so I can't upgrade to something not so potatoey, maybe like a refrigerator or toaster XD

I also have a Da-Bomb to AntiRTFM on YouTube for making the best damn C++ tutorial, ever. He made it incredibly easy to understand & explained everything to small details. I might be able to go through with the MMO game idea I have fleshed out now ^_^

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Vespetine 12 years ago
When Magic Man reads your A-bomb... :O

I wanted to formally introduce myself, Vespetine, to the MMOBOMB community. I came in a little late, about the beginning of December of 2012. I did however back-track and watch all the videos of the Free-To-Play cast after listening for the first time in December.

First of all, today I've learned that I suck at keeping track of the games on my desktop. I had no idea "Warframe" changed the PRO system until now. Well, I might actually try the game again. And, I might go back on the forums and give the community the middle finger for thinking my suggestion about the PRO system was unheard of. I pretty much based my suggestions on the MMOBOMB free-to-play model outlook, being that Free-To-Play titles should give you all the content in-game and let you buy the custom items/outfits and the convenience-over-time items in the cash shop. Which I think is also the right way to do Free-To-Play, but instead, I got a hoard of trolls acting like the damn developers of the game.

I'd like to give a DA-BOMB to Magic Man this week, for the ridiculous, but HILARIOUS voices. "Can I just say something?...Can I, Let me tell you something." I had little laughing bursts for a about 20 minutes after that. I even marked down the time in the video so I could go back and laugh my breath away. Anyway, thanks for that Magic Man. I'm looking forward to the episodes to come.

For the question of the week, I would probably go Archer with the Castanic race, just because I like the effects of the spells. But to be honest, I don't think I'll be trying TERA again because of the horrible client, as discussed in the video. I understand that the whole game is about 20 or so GBs of data, but that should have taken my computer about 2 or 3 hours to download. It ended up taking 10 hours to get to the 7 GBs mark. For some reason I kept getting messages that my connection was lost, and then connection was re-established, which slowed down the downloading process immensely. I never have this issue with other clients, so I know it can't be my computer nor my connection. I also don't think I'll try TERA again because of the sole fact that, Yeah, It's been done already. There are plenty of long time Free-To-Play games that have already implemented the combat, content, and game play that TERA is just now bringing to the table as a Free-To-Play title. If it had been a Free-To-Play game this whole time, It might have been known for being one of the few Free-To-Play titles to release the new fad of action-combat for MMOs. For now I don't think I'll try it unless they get a good update with the launch of Free-To-Play. But what do I know, I'm just a gamer.


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Vespetine 12 years ago
When Magic Man reads your A-bomb... :O

I wanted to formally introduce myself, Vespetine, to the MMOBOMB community. I came in a little late, about the beginning of December of 2012. I did however back-track and watch all the videos of the Free-To-Play cast after listening for the first time in December.

First of all, today I've learned that I suck at keeping track of the games on my desktop. I had no idea "Warframe" changed the PRO system until now. Well, I might actually try the game again. And, I might go back on the forums and give the community the middle finger for thinking my suggestion about the PRO system was unheard of. I pretty much based my suggestions on the MMOBOMB free-to-play model outlook, being that Free-To-Play titles should give you all the content in-game and let you buy the custom items/outfits and the convenience-over-time items in the cash shop. Which I think is also the right way to do Free-To-Play, but instead, I got a hoard of trolls acting like the damn developers of the game.

I'd like to give a DA-BOMB to Magic Man this week, for the ridiculous, but HILARIOUS voices. "Can I just say something?...Can I, Let me tell you something." I had little laughing bursts for a about 20 minutes after that. I even marked down the time in the video so I could go back and laugh my breath away. Anyway, thanks for that Magic Man. I'm looking forward to the episodes to come.

For the question of the week, I would probably go Archer with the Castanic race, just because I like the effects of the spells. But to be honest, I don't think I'll be trying TERA again because of the horrible client, as discussed in the video. I understand that the whole game is about 20 or so GBs of data, but that should have taken my computer about 2 or 3 hours to download. It ended up taking 10 hours to get to the 7 GBs mark. For some reason I kept getting messages that my connection was lost, and then connection was re-established, which slowed down the downloading process immensely. I never have this issue with other clinets, so I know it can't be my computer nor my connection. I also don't think I'll try TERA again because of the sole fact that, Yeah, It's been done already. There are plenty of long time Free-To-Play games that have already implemented the combat, content, and gameplay that TERA is just now bringing to the table as a Free-To-Play title. If it had been a Free-To-Play game this whole time, It might have been known for being one of the few Free-To-Play titles to release the new fad of action-combat for MMOs. For now I don't think I'll try it unless they get a good update with the launch of Free-To-Play. But what do I know, I'm just a gamer.


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Inflictious 12 years ago
Thanks for another show !

After watching your video of Tera , I never played and has brought me to my :

A- Bomb to All free to play Fantasy style mmorpg's as of 2007.

1 of the reasons i see all these titles that were subbed going free to play.

Where are the day's of Vast worlds gone? Every game that come's out is full of mini map's or instance based. Tera , Your video look's like it's just a Path ..go in a straight line a - b.... Not even combat would make me play this...Thank god TESO is being released around the same time.

* Shake's Head *



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Koagz 12 years ago
The combat in RaiderZ felt sticky to me. Playing Tera you can easily tell that the combat is a lot more fluid. Following both games a couple years before their releases RaiderZ was just a big let down for me. I feel it came out to late because I would of probably enjoyed it before playing Tera.

MelonCider 12 years ago
I want to give a HUGE steroid enhanced bulking muscled death ray laser equipped DA BOMB to a fan that worked on a private server for Prius. We (the fans) Have been waiting for months (CJ global/Netmarble) for them to release any info for us and their nothing! but a two minute video on youtube that is starting to look like a hoax to me now. and this guy did this while they were taking a shit or whatever hell they claim to be doing. Right now He is looking for testers: http://forum.ragezone.com/f111/interested-prius-anima-server-900311/index2.html

A shit filled a bomb to CJ Global for not being able to release a game that should be already out! because it seems to me that it's already done but they dont feel like wiping their own ass.

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
I don't any A BOMBS but i got 2 DA BOMBS so

DA BOMB for tera and everything u guys already mentioned(the prologue getting u to lvl 20 the f2p stuff and so on)
DA BOMB for magicman AIMING IN DA FEET this week when i enjoyed him streaming Tribes Ascend so good job on that man :P

Guestion Of The Week:i already got an lvl 14 archer in Tera(US verison ofc)i love it and i don't regret for my choice at all but unfortunatelly i think i can't play it cause for my pc graphics are high idk also i got something relativly "negative" to say on tera.THEY REALLY need to let us know what we can use when we set our names i mean we need to know that we CANT put numbers when choosing a name and that WE CAN put spaces/dots and other special characters

Great show as always and have a nice day

zamphire 12 years ago
i giving a dabomb to GameFuse for there live stream that they could not get to work but then they showed us the best video ever instead! They rock now!

Mystika 12 years ago
Funny thing, when you guys read out the Da-bomb for Minesweeper, I was playing it while listening to the f2p cast :P

I may or may not play Tera...but will more likely play it if some of my friends join in as well.

Aleric 12 years ago
Going to play my level 37 warrior and start an archer and I give tera A DaBomb for going ftp in the right manner unlike other games that go ftp

removalmitt 12 years ago
waaaah didn't realise you guys took these comments left as the feedback for the ftp cast shows....so surreal (for me.....) switched from war thunder to catch the Wv3 server reset for GW2 whilst listening to this show and boom (just watched here comes the boom too before.....mma mmo anyone?????) the one and only Magicman starts reading out one of my comments regarding war frame.

I still stand by my regard for 'mounted' which I posted as a reply in one of the other threads (you'll have to search, it's not a complimentary comment)

Great show as always, keeps me entertained, was going to ask about 'the game', I remember Brim got vexed about said game in a previous show but can't remember....but since I don't remember I probably didn't take an interest and thus don't remember.

Will give Tera a try - and as stated in the webcast, yeah I don't expect it to be ground breaking but maybe better than what GW2 promised to be.

Ass bombs to games that go P2P when not ground breaking and have to back track to some form of F2P. They don't seem to realise they aren't hitting a niche market with their game.
Also same to old games that were P2P that are trying to hang on by going F2P.

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Sh@rp 12 years ago
Does FreetoPlay have limited options or the whole game are now free ?

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BullsI 12 years ago
Played TERA for a few months after it released. The grind after 3x was just not fun enough for me to justify subscribing any longer. I already have one of each type of character (highest chars a lvl 47 warrior), but my lancer is by far the most fun. I love running the dungeons.

It's pronounced Bull's I btw. Incredibly original I know. :P

heebeegeebee 12 years ago
I have a super BIG A -BOMB.... for Defiance beta weekend due to the fact that , I cannot log into to accept the EULA to begin to test the game. when trying to log in I get a error due to server congestion well hahaha@ me i guess 2 day beta and the site wont let me even into my rift account super hahahaha @ me thats just poop countless web browsers have been tried malware scans proxy settings even a ip reconfig with no luck. i think i would have a better chance of getting a korean client to work vs this crap but hoooray for beta.

TheGamer 12 years ago
Question of the week:
TOO BAD, iam already playing as a Warrior.I like it so far, the quests and storyline are...meh... but the combat is fun as hell (if hell is actually a candy land full of ice cream...) and it helps to get past the grinding.I dont mind the restrictions, and i dont know about you guys, but if iam limited to just 2 characters per server, what stops me from creating another account and playing the other 2 classes in the same server?Also, the players i meet in the game are somewhat happy with the conversion, they got some benefits and dont have to worry about paying subs anymore (they also like newcomers, because the community is dying, and they like to beat some newbs TO DEATH with their bare hands).

Da bomb for Magickman SHOOTING IN DAH FEETZZ LIKE A B00S on the Tribes live stream!!

AirSplash 12 years ago
Sup Free to Play Cast! Great show as always. Been a little busy for the past month, but had a little extra time on hand thought I would get on and check out the site. I got a Da-Bomb for MMOBOMB.com for supplying me with mmo news cause im to lazy to go anywhere else. I also got a mixed bomb for Tera online, I have been playing Tera on and off for the past few months and I absolutely love it but I dont like how games become free to play after a set amount of time without giving a nice chuck of in game content to people who went out, bought the game, and then subscribed for said amount of time. I know they are giving us a title and a few extra little things but ive paid a pretty penny for your product, show me some love Tera. a game should either release as free to play, buy to play, or just stay subscribed. If a buy to play or a subscription based game goes free to play they should included some cool little extras to the people who paid. As for the Question of the week, When Tera goes Free to Play i will be making a new Character to role with the f2p people and my friends who wouldn't play, it will be a Castanic Archer. Can't wait till your next video f2pc PEACE!

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hallow559 12 years ago
Getting the head start in Tera and playing a Sorcerer and Archer for now.

Da-bomb for Tera for no other Reason then I have been having fun with it's combat.

A-bomb to Teras community and all the hate I have been seeing for free to play users .... they seem to forget that with out the ftp users the game could just be shutting down instead of continuing. (Yes I know this happens a lot but this is the first time I have see players out right say there going to hunt free to play players and make it hard for them to enjoy the game.)

Just something to think about.

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Blackaria 12 years ago
I will be giving Tera a try. I always wanted to but never got around to it. I will be playing a priest. Have been playing a lot of healers lately.
I would love to see the FISHAO live stream with magic doing the commentary I will be giving it a try.
DA BOMB for Dragon's Prophet I know its saying a lot for a Sony online game but I am looking forward it.

Lagwin1980 12 years ago
Question of the week...Being a founder i'll hop back on my warrior and have a look see at anything that may have been added since i stopped subbing, then probably finish leveling my slayer.

No bombs again this week...will have at least one for next week though.

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Spammie 12 years ago
I prefer RaiderZ, but i will play tera f2p aswell, and i want to also give a da bomb to warframe. gameplay is very smooth and i maxed my Escalibur. Time to play Ember.

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HellcatM 12 years ago
I could not get into Wizadry. The writing is horrible! "Did you see that? He was stong! Do you think we'll ever be that strong?" Sounds like a 4 year old wrote it. I don't read a lot of quests but when there is a clip I do read (though I prefer if they had voice acting).

Maybe I should just skip the crappy dialog and just try and see if i can play it for the game play. I just see other games coming out (Neverwinter and Elder Scrolls) that have so much more potential.

Alen 12 years ago
I'll be playing my Slayer in Tera. Currently playing on an Unlimited trial account.
And I'm happy that Tera is going free to play had to play Raiderz because I ain't a P2P player.
After playing Raiderz for 2 days and getting to Level 29 I got bored and I guess I'll be bored of Tera too in a few days/weeks but still gonna enjoy those things.
DA BOMB for MapleStory Europe for finally releasing Luminous and having a little less bugs then before but still enough bugs to annoy people :P

Mofutofu 12 years ago
Don't worry magicman, Tera has hell a lot more content compared to at launch. I quited Tera after I got bored of the end game content and a few days ago I've returned and the amount of new dungeons are off the roof also new battlegrounds for the pvp lovers too!

A bomb for Dragon nest EU for finally announcing their CBT date (27th February) but sadly they are 2 years too late.. most European players have either played on the NA version via proxy or the SEA version.

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HellcatM 12 years ago
So you said that the questing in Tera was run of the mill and RaiderZ fighting felt muddling. So if Tera had the questing of RaiderZ or if RaiderZ had the fluidity of Tera the games would be better?

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War2Good 12 years ago
As much as i want to give Tera a good try: i cant , because they think that apparently publisher thinks that there is only hackers and account thiefs here in Russia. So A HUGE A BOMB to Tera online.

nekodeus 12 years ago
I will probably be going with a warrior in once Tera launches it's F2P.
I've played quite a lot of cleric(it has another name in game, no?), but I'm just super uncomfortable with casting classes in "technical" mmos despite usually playing cleric in everything. I have also played berserker, more so than cleric, and it's a lot more comfortable for me personally.

Blazeshotz 12 years ago

Cloak 12 years ago
I was surprised! D:

Shawmanuk 12 years ago

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