League of Legends was hacked, new Dead Island: Epidemic details are in, Perfect World talks upcoming titles, Blizzard discusses WoW's future with F2P, and more on this week's episode of F2P Weekly!...
In this week's episode of Free-to-Play Podcast we look a three new MMO's from Perfect World that may be headed to the West soon. We update you on the current state of Black Gold's monetization plan. And finally we spend some time discussing not if, but when World of Warcraft will go free-to-play and what that may look like for Blizzard. All of this plus your community comments on this week's episode of the Free-to-Play Cast!
If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to michael@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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League of Legends was hacked, new Dead Island: Epidemic details are in, Perfect World talks upcoming titles, Blizzard discusses WoW's future with F2P, and more on this week's episode of F2P Weekly!...
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
I played WoW for about 3.5 years, and it was the most fun we've ever had with any other game. After WoW, I've tried almost every MMORPG out there with the same adventure style, and none, absolutely NONE of them has even a third of WoW's quality.
There is a pretty good reason why it is so successful, the game is well built, there are loads of content to consume, runs on PC and Mac (which I don't understand why the "geniuses" out there keep choosing to NOT take part of x% of the market), has hundreds of good addons but lastly and most importantly, the gameplay has no comparison.
I mean, allow me to talk about Rift for a second. Recently gone F2P, the game is good, and I took it as a new experience and fresh start, lets see. Leveling is fun until lvl 50, from there on, it is dreadful. So, before you even reach max level, you're as bored as you can be. The game is unplayable without macros, specially for a few classes, and then everything becomes 2 or 3 buttons. Abilities are way too complicated and there are too many, one does not need to choose between 4 abilities that can be used after you block, not to mention, they create a second GCD. As far as the experience goes, just one or another spell has a signature sound or graphical feedback. Most of the time you're just smashing buttons. But finally, the game is swarmed with bugs. Crashes here and there, no addons that work to customize anything, and although Trion has tried to do a good customization on their end, the result is that their customization is not good enough as you would like it to be but also that discouraged the creation of many addons which could have reached that point, and yes, even Trion's interface is bugged. Very.
(Excuse me for the wall of text)
But, if there is one thing Trion got right is how to go F2P. You can buy gear, but never the top tier, you can level faster paying for potions, or gain more reputation / standing / favor / youGotTheIdea with NPC groups and factions, you can buy bag slots for bags and bank, amongst other cosmetic or time related things, but if you've geared up properly to start raiding lets say, you can be as good as anybody else, and that is what motivates people.
When I stopped playing, it wasn't because I was burned out of the game, on the contrary, we were raiding top tier content, having a lot of fun, but RL happened and we would need to have a long break (6 months or more) and right after came the expansion, and we just didn't feel like paying again for yet another expansion.
It will have to however. A P2P MMO going F2P is essential a phoenix trick.
The game rises from the ashes, anew, yet still the same.
But WoW currently makes a massive amount with its sub+cash shop combo. Going strictly cash shop will be bad business for it, it wont make as much money unless it starts pushing the typical F2P tripe like exp boosters and item drop boosters (and adjusting exp/IDR to compensate) as well as actual useful items, like crafting items and crafting boosters (again, adjusting rates to make them more appealing).
It's essentially butchering your own game to try squeeze profit out of it one last time.
So do they want to do that? God no.
But I figure they'll announce free2play either at the same time as they announce WoW2, or after they've already released it.
LoL hacked - well, company that spend millions on game tournaments sure cant afford better security for its players.
Black Gold’s new model - looks like they just decided to post Chinese model and see the reaction. As if it wasn't that obvious.
About f2p wow - don't care, not interested in it. But I would play next Warcraft RTS, if they make it.
Finally the new mmo setting idea. I really don't mind good fantasy of sci-fi mmo, but Man! all that mediocre developers turn it to cliche. What I would be interested to see, is vice versa Colonial Age or backwards Western, with Native Americans as protagonists, fighting for their land and home.
Allso, Ancient Celts, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Scythia, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, India etc, also would make a good theme for mmo.
Maybe it will increase the playerbase the first 2-3 months until those players move back to Aion or even Gw2 if they purchased it.
It was for a long time the best MMO , specally when it was released back then but lets be honest, there is nothing special at this game anymore today.
A mordern day environment with skyscrapers and castles fighting mythical monsters using magic, swords and guns.