The Aurora World is a 3D MMORPG by GBE games.
On this weeks show we take note that hey, these aren't the regular hosts! New hosts bring new stories including gaming nostalgia and news of a AAA turn-based tabletop strategy. We also talk about the direction console F2P games are headed, and dish out various EA smack talk for all their recent failings. As usual, we finish the show the only way we know how with weekly bombs and your comments!
If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to michael@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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The Aurora World is a 3D MMORPG by GBE games.
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
really awesome I deserve to play it...
so my friend got an item that sells for like 250mill and he cant trade or sell on broker so we cant get it and the gold pack costs money to get no limit and he doesent want to spend money and im broke after i got a hammer for my twink and i cant buy gold pack in game money and we are scrued so a bomb to limitations on free 2 play modle i liked aion more when we subbed and had no limits
welcome spunkify and hannah
(da bomb to browser working and another da bomb for game being epic)
So I just posted a TRUE and FACT based review with notes for all to consider. For example, when you make a game you have to consider the geography wher eyou are building and setting up Servers. So, we all know we open an english game to Polish and Russian and German player. OBVIOUS due to chat in game. And if you play other games, you know whats up.
So I said: "Most hackers come from Russia and poland where hacking laws are allot lenient, look at what happened to Army Rage" true story. This is what the stupid Forum mod said here:
You need to read the forum rules and follow them.
discussions about hacking is not allowed.
And nationalistic/racist comments about specific countries/ethnic groups is not acceptable.
Topics must be constructive, you are not.
You topic "GAME KILLERS" have bin removed for all 3 resons.
This is pretty obvious in SEVERAL FPS I have played, none of them have been this dumb and liars though. They usually ignore comments like this and let haks take over. This is so going on other mmorpg FPS sites now
Great job Spunkify and Hannah! Don't let the negative comments bother you, was a great show! Chemistry comes in time, and you two seemed to do well. Following MM is no easy task, and I believe you have managed to do quite well.
I agree with ZhaoYun, Scarlet Blade is a decent game despite it's Mature marketing. I thought the game would be lack luster and i was pleasantly surprised. Not the greatest MMO to ever hit the market but still done quite well. The questing system could be expanded, but a little grind in a game with low drop rates isnt that bad.
HUGE A-Bomb:
EA is showing a trend of greed in my opinion. They are doing the bare minimum to get games released then making excuses as to why they have dropped the ball. I realize they are in it to make money, but the product should come first. Their delivery of SimCity was atrocious, the game itself is mediocre. I am a huge SimCity fan and wasnt blown away by this new release. Not that I expected to be, but considering how bad the launch was the game should have been amazing on all fronts.
Now again EA is releasing a game, which by most people's standards would be considered incomplete. As true to their recent form, Campaign Mode will probably be SOLD later on. Personally I have had enough with EA and will no longer be purchasing ANY title they have their hands on. The only power us consumers have is closing our wallets and mine is closed to EA.
Less trailing off from the subject currently being talked about and the show will be on track, GJ otherwise to Spunk and Hannah.
Question of the Week:
An RTS really needs to have a campaign part. Yes the company can cut down on production if they dont have to make a story and lots of missions, thus focusing their time on making the multiplayer perfect.
BUT even if its a Free To Play, they want alot of people to play their game right? I believe most of an RTS player base are just campaign players and then maby they move onto multiplayer because that is a more intense and different realm like you stated.
/Tyreal out
thumbs up to them
yet I`ll miss MM and hes shows (watching hes utube channel right now)
so thumbs down 4 no more Magic in shows
Which also is a pure 3D way to play Total Annihilation. I should recommend if interested to play the mod NOTA which by the way you can control everything in that, Even turrets.
Now i am curios to see who is the 3rd co-host. If you see my comment i do have one question though. Will you have more then 2 co-hosts? Like Magicman had more and they took turns on the show, depending how they had time. Will you do the same, or just fewer co-hosts, that appear more often?
I do not really have a preference, just asking out of curiosity.
I would also like to give some bombs this week:
Da-Bomb for you and Hannah for continuing my favorite gaming show and doing a good job from the start. I know it must have been difficult, but you guys pulled it of and i am sure you are gonna continue on doing great and improving what is needed.
Da-Bomb for PoE for being so awesome and grats to them for the 2 mil players
and a A-Bomb to a mmo site (i would prefer to not give the name of the site) that had recently did a top 10 Sci-Fi mmo's and has one of the worst F2P models, SWTOR, ranked first on that top, when there are so many good Sci-Fi mmo's that were not even included in the list.
First Da-Bomb goes to spunk gratz bro FINALLY u pronounced my name correctly(no Da-Bomb for Hannah cause she is a pro at pronnouncing names apperently)
Second Da-Bomb is for Scarlet Blade i tryed it and i realized i liked it a lot and i though i would
pay attention to the nudity a lot but reading the quests is so much more fun so i kinda forget
about the "mature" feature in it.
I would also want to give an A-Bomb to Scarlet Blade cause there are quests but not enough quests after lvl 15.So technecly the meter fills up till 80% and u neeed 20% more xp for the next level leaving you with no option than to mob grind OR do battles which give good amount of xp but are only every 2h unfortunatelly.Ofc you can prevent that by getting double xp boosts but those are only available in the cash shop unfortunatelly.
I am glad you agree with me Hannah but i would also like to ask you even though u agree with me dont you think its gonna become f2p if u actually can get all the modifications at least(if not the tanks)for 50-100 usd?
For the question of the week i would have to say that i do prefer having both the option of single players and then the multiplayer which is pvp technecly cause i see multiplayer as a pvp option and single player as a pve option so if u asked me i would prever having both pvp and pve in a game(although i like pvp more than pve)and not having the option of pve entirely removed?also i believe if u have both pvp(multiplayer)and pve(single player)in your game you will probably get more people in it?am i wrong?well if i am correct me but thats what i think.
I would also like to inform u both u can actually get ALL champions(and most of their skins)in 3 months without paying if you join Riot's PBE(public beta enviroment) server.If you interested you can register on it every 1st 2nd and 3d of each month(so 1-2-3 april then 1-2-3 may and so on)
Note:Spunkify hipster mode at 2:20-2:25(just though it was funny)
Note 2:Really good job spunk and Hannah liked this episode it was fun keep going.
I will answer question of the week with i love story driven content. so in my RTS a campaign is a must to get me to play it even if it is a coop only campaign. I like to see why my troops are fighting on some back woods mountain or why my people are building a base in the middle of a frozen wasteland. the Multi-player PvP is ok to a % but when you have no good back story from a playable campaign it ruins the immersion. I am all about story driven content.
PS. if you have not heard of WoW you are living under a rock indeed, but the games gotten worse over time and high end raiding and pvp has become stale even if your pushing world records on DPS.
Question of the Week: I only play the campaign and custom user made games in the RTS genre. If I play the standard multiplayer it is to beat the people I know in real life to assert Alpha dominance, no BETA fags. lol
Regards Spammie.
Checkers, best multiplayer RTS/Turn Table Based game ever.
If I want a campaign I start knocking on my neighbors doors challenging them to a game of checkers.
If I want to play multiplayer I play Internet Checkers. Most fun RTS/Turn Table Based game ever.
The best is the best, can't deny it. ~ Jowns :D
spunky could you do some kind of 1 time a week dota2 or lol uncompetitive with mmobomb community that would be fun :)
However, that was my only main concern with this week's F2P cast. Although you guys went on a tangent quite a lot in topics, that's completely understandable since both you guys are quite new to the show (Hannah completely new, while Spunkify is new as the main host).
Man, i LOVED Heroes of Might and Magic series. The 3rd one with the Expansion was AWSOME. i played with my best friend every day for hours after school and even started creating own maps. Man, maybe ill go install it tomorrow. Such a great game,thx for make me remember it. Still have them from 1 up to 4 but lost interessted after 4.
EA is getting worse and worse from game to game. C&C withoutCampaign mode?! WHY? That was the part of the game, i loved about. I have no chance against other players. Im somewhat a pro gamer, but not if it comes to games like that. No reason for more to get it at all.
Say someone of Amish faith now just got into the real world knows nothing about world of Warcraft and hears this, they may just take it to offense. So it's better to use kinder phrases especially when your being broadcasted all over youtube. Like this is a game you a may very well know that I have played for years that got me into mmos known as world of Warcraft, removing any unnecessary slander from the saying.
Booo for the new host bleh. I hope this just keeps on being a bad joke but it`s not.