On this episode of CloneAttack we suit up and head into the future with Halo 4.
What game would you like to see made "Old School"? On this week's show, our panel discusses turning back the clock on Runescape, Wargaming.net's slow take over of the gaming globe, and what Twitch.Tv integration offers free to play gaming.
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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On this episode of CloneAttack we suit up and head into the future with Halo 4.
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
It came at the right time with the right IP, but does it deliver?
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
A Paragon-inspired project actually see the light of day, but can it compete with a crowded field of MOBAs?
Please don`t let it be Spunkify!!!! I could not stand him on MMOHUT and sure as heck can`t stand him still. If it is the show will die slowly and more and more people will just stop. He is not fun to listen to and is rather dull and boring.
I hope they get Jess to be the host or at least on the show a lot more. But come on not Spunkify.
This is coming from a very long time viewer.
Thanks again,
It's really a shame the game suffered such punches in the face (shout out for SWGEmu, but it's still in an early stage).
Really sad to see the F2P Cast leaving, great work keeping up such a community, and the Best of luck to you guys (and gals).
I want Runes of Magic back to Chapter 1 !!!
No triple-class b*s*, no +16 madness, no cheap way to aquire the legendary lvl 50 elite skills, no perma-farming pets destroying the purpose of gathering, and every single instance mattered! The self-regulating economy which allowed to get Diamonds (cash-shop currency) in the auction house was great and made the game non-pay2win.
Over time they introduced so many things to skip huge parts of the game so if I'd make a new character now I could get so much further than my first few chars with the same amount of time investment.
the new Pokari( main city) is freaking huge previous pokari was more fun .
removed instance importance and made everything pay to win !
Star Wars Galaxies, but before the Combat Patch that SOE put to try to make it more generic and like WoW, EQ so to say.
I loved all the X-packs it had, just the combat patch and the whole dumbing down of the game was terrible. I want it pushed back when being a Jedi was a feat, and something that took skill and effort to accomplish. Not just a simple selection at the character creation screen. No levels, no class's, Great housing, Factions were perfect, and ships.
And for my first bomb ever. I was playing TERA today and they brought the servers down for maintenance. I was curious if it was just the one I was on or all of them. Well, I go to the server status page and see they are indeed all down, but then I read the intro at the beginning of the page. Turns out, their server status page also doubles as an asteroids type game. This idea is genius. Solid Da-Bomb to En Masse for letting me blow up their page.
>_> Right now an A-Bomb goes to Steam for having server issues for their Store page on the Steam client... lol. China must be hacking everyone again.
as for you leaving well at first(as u probably aware) i was like “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DONT DO THAT” but then i though about it and well i have to say and agree that yea real life is bad sometimes and i wish you luck on whatever it is you gonna do and i hope we will see you Selfius,Brim and whoever else is leaving from the mmobomb staff soon and all 3 of u are defenetly accepted back from me wherever u decide u will and can come back
DA BOMB to firefall after this friday’s stream i was impressed that the stream actually made me redownload and reinstall firefall and i will be probably playin it every now and then when i got time
A BOMB for real life that s...cks and has to take such awesome people as u 3 guys
p.s i just realized that now that Brim and Selfius will go i will wait even longer for that “fishing contest” between them that MM promised us :(
as for you leaving well at first(as u probably aware) i was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DONT DO THAT" but then i though about it and well i have to say and agree that yea real life does suck sometimes and i wish you luck on whatever it is you gonna do and i hope we will see you Selfius,Brim and whoever else is leaving from the mmobomb staff soon and all 3 of u are defenetly accepted back from me wherever u decide u will and can come back
DA BOMB to firefall after this friday's stream i was impressed that the stream actually made me redownload and reinstall firefall and i will be probably playin it every now and then when i got time
A BOMB for real life that sucks and has to take such awesome people as u 3 guys
p.s i just realized that now that Brim and Selfius will go i will wait even longer for that "fishing contest" between them that MM promised us :( that sucks
Da bomb to war games buying day 1, FEAR MMO maybe.
DA bomb to aion as a game for being so great at pvp and end game stuff
guys im so sad about the switch of people we will miss u looking forward for youre return and welcome to the new hostes i dont regard u less then the old team i just connected to them after more then a year so welcome new hostes
"Hello, internet. And wellcome once again to Free 2 Play Cast. ... This is episode 63. I am your host Spunkify." *shudders* I think I forgot my weekly bomb now. *shudders*
D-bomb to PATH OF EXILE the worlds most complicated skill tree I have ever seen in my life the new D3 game that so much D3 fans left just to play path of exile. and I love how the creators I know their name and everything they watch path of exile streams and when they see streamers have problems they fix it immediately like the second it happens to them and how they know what the gamers like what the gamers love cause they themselves are gamers to d2 which was best game ever. and looking forward to the 100 new skill gems the 10 acts and updates that this game is planning and sharing to everyone about
I really like that Wargaming is acquiring popular game companies left and right. It is really refreshing to see what is basically an indie company buy out former big names that have fallen out of glory. It really means that in the gaming industry talent still matters.
D-Bomb to Prime World for being the best damn MOBA out there(not best competitively or largest - just most fun). There is too much different going on for this game to contain in a simple comment.
A-Bomb for the same game for not having an English language version. They have 2 versions already active and have had their international website up for about a year. It is about time they launched the game to broader audiences.
dubomb for magicman,
Initially i was gonna give my first Da-Bomb to the BaneBusters community and the awesome job they did on MMOBomb's Firefall livestream, but f**k that, this is more important:
In over 1 year of listening to you i'm gonna give my first Da-Bomb to Magicman and the F2P Cast for all the news you have brought us, for the honest opinions you have shared with us and for doing it in an entertaining manner. I hope we can eventually see you all back to the F2P Cast. Wish you all the best.
for me RS started to go downhill as soon as GE released, new combat hotbar type of thing they have going on its nice sure but to me it seems like there trying to modernize it and make it just like every other mmo why? they could have did this years ago. this L8 in its life cycle i think it was to L8 for them to do such a drastic change to the game.
i am totally all for bringing back an older RS
another game that needs a rollback combat arms needs to role all the way back and in to another company's hands cuz nexon broke it.
My da bomb goes to you guys love the show been watch for a long time just don't post much. Sad to hear you guys are going a way for a while but I know I would welcome you guys back.
I have a derp for you too. I had just got back from the bar and I jumped on swtor a while ago and started a ops with my guild and I told them I had been drinking and was going to keep drinking they wanted me to go still. Well in the end of the ops I was trying to heal people on my Sent and was telling a friends why cant I heal you trying to hit them with my sabers. Didn't know till the next day when I jumped on vent and they had to tell me what happened.