In this First Look we examine the much anticipated free to play conversion for the much talked about Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) MMORPG.
If you're of legal age it's time to open up and drink and sit back to play the F2P Cast Drinking Game! Kahlyn and Brim make their returns to the show after their last "bacon" laden appearance. The hosts discuss a number of topics that have no real video, and then to finish it all off we read YOUR feedback!
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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In this First Look we examine the much anticipated free to play conversion for the much talked about Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) MMORPG.
It came at the right time with the right IP, but does it deliver?
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Da bomb for Hawken, Been in closed Beta for a while, Im lovin it.
a bomb for SWTOR- Im a huge star wars fanboy, and was very excited about SWTOR going F2P...
Im very much against EA, and the F2P model used in SWTOR has done nothing more than make me dislike them even more. Well done EA.
instead of making people quit the game for such broken system
my bombs this week DA Bomb for Tera online for their "unlimited day trial"
A BOMB for Tera online because they wont acknowledge that the game is dying as a p2p i mean they recently went through a server merger down to three and i just think they are delaying the inevitable with the trial.
Also shout out to my 21st bday. I was at a friend's house last night awaiting my very first drink. When i saw this video late that night I decided to play the drinking game as well. One of my friend's shouted Bacon 5 times and i ended up having to down 5 shots of Rye Stout. Not very palatable for a newcomer like myself.
A-Bomb for the fact that I got to wait until next year for all the games I want to play such as ESO and Neverwinter. /sigh
Great show as always, it is nice to have a girl on the show for that diversity factor. Nice to know that there are some gamer chicks out there that don't just play pokemon and harvest moon.
BTW, Rest In Peace Magicman's Liver.
Hmm....ingame languages? I don't think I would mind it, since I don't remember playing any game with ingame languages.
Great show again :)
Anyways, the whole star wars free to play thing doesn't surprise me at all. We are talking about EA here after all. Whoever thought EA wouldn't put hoops up for us to jump through needs to get back in touch with reality and forget about that Free to play utopia everyone keeps dreaming of but will never get.
As for the question of the week. I think characters having their own language is a great thing. it creates atmosphere and immersion. Where would Star Trek and Star Wars really be if every race in their universes only spoke English and didn't have their own unique language? We certainly wouldn't have the Klingon dictionary now. Having to read subtitles is well worth it. I practically watched subbed anime everyday so its really no different for me.
And Dabomb to you guys at the F2P Cast for saying my comment lol. Made my evening. And no I wasn't mowing my lawn but cutting my lawn with a sword has always been a dream of mine.
Can't wait for more. Keep up the good work.
DaBomb this week for Path of Exile.
Thanks again MagicMan for the beta key i got watching MMOBombLive. The games a ton of fun. So like the good old days of Diablo 1 + 2 but better graphics. One thing I specifically like is the lighting effects, very very well done. As well as the way to can customize the type of class you want to play with the gem system. This morning I started to play, lost track of time, looked up and noticed 3 hours had passed. So, to Grinding Gear Games, 2 thumbs up.
Before I sign off, I'd like to take a bow |) ---> pew pew lol
For the question of the week, I think in game languages, sayings, & such add to the immersion of the universe, as long as you aren't listening to the SAME DAMN AUDIO TRACK OVER & OVER like any alien race talking in KOTOR-2.
My Da-Bomb will go to League of Legends. For pulling me into MOBA's, had a great time playing it this weekend. Hope to pull my Girlfriend into it soon.
A-Bomb goes to Swtor for there ridiculous F2P model. I have to pay $5.00 to sprint?!?
Answer to the question of the week, I believe having the characters speak different languages adds to the immersion. I love reading subtitles anyways have them on all the time so i'm used to that. Reminds me of the Assassin's Creed game's with there characters speaking the native language made the game great.
Again guy's and girl. Thank's for the amazing show can't wait 'till next week.
And Brim is a class act drunk :)
I would have to rescind my A-bomb of last week for RaiderZ gold spam...they have done something that eliminated them in the last few days and it is gloriously silent.
And agreed for Elder scrolls,it looks incredible...their video and in particular the castle siege pvp looked superb and i don't even like pvp but i want to play that.
As for the question of the week it really depends on the game for SWTOR it kinda defeats the purpose of having full voice acting...what they could have done was have 2 audio tracks one at a lower volume in the un translated and the second translated louder and in an artificial voice like it was coming through a computer translator.
And I give a boom to any game that force you to do radce 4 the storyline. (RaiderZ).
Kahlyn should have her own show. She's fun.