Akaneiro: Demon Hunters is a 3D action RPG developed by Spicy Horse Games.
This week it's a guy's night on the Free to Play Cast and that works out because today's show is all about WAR! Warframe and War Z are on the agenda followed by a full serving of Weekly Bombs and your Viewer Feedback!
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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Akaneiro: Demon Hunters is a 3D action RPG developed by Spicy Horse Games.
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
A Paragon-inspired project actually see the light of day, but can it compete with a crowded field of MOBAs?
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
the game is too damn awesome combat wise not to have pvp ... pelase PVP NAAWWWW!!!!
And I agree with GW2 proving that B2P with micro transactions work's more games will go B2P with micro transactions.
As for an A-Bomb or Dah Bomb.
(Runescape A-Bomb)
I would give an A-bomb to runescape because it seems they are pushing more cash shop and squeel of fortune updates out now than true content quality content update. It seems that the company is saying its ok for us to do real world trade for players to have an advantage in game, but if you do so without our permission then well we will ban and reset you. Squeel of fortune gives money and items which can be used to an advantage in game which violates the RWT Rule within runescape itself. To finish this A-bomb off I would like to say EoC was a major failure in combat and had pushed away most subscribers. With the game being mostly dominated by bots now as the subscription base. The reason for EoC failure is because magic and range combat styles are over powered making combat even more unbalanced than before.
As much as I hate to do this, I'll have to jump on the bandwagon and give a Da-Bomb to Warframe. I've been playing this every chance I get to, and am totally addicted. At first I thought that the 4 revives per day thing was a little to harsh, but that was because I tried to solo the first mission and got utterly annihilated; however, I have since gotten used to the game and controls, and I rarely need to revive anymore as long as I'm playing with some people. I find that most of the strangers I've played with were decent at worst when it comes to playing the game.
Thanks again guys, keep up the great work!
Even if i am GIFTED with this game i will give it to my dog to destroy it
i really hate this game now after the interview i read(which is weird cause i never even playerd it yet) i mean this guy thinks he's god or something its just pathetic anyway
so A BOMB for that "a....hole" who can't just say "i am sorry i f...d up"
and a DA BOMB to ghost recon online.A lot of people might hate me for this or disagree with me but for me GRO is even better than planetside 2 or Warframe sorry guys but for me its the #1 shooter of 2012
Question of the week:I think it will go buy to play with a cash shop i doubt it will go free to play at all unless they make the stupid decision to go p2p then it will probably get "transformed" into f2p after some time
p.s u spelled brim likesmen(aka that brim likes men lmao)
Warframe was super fun too play at first then i find my self grinding blue print parts for rhino, and boy was that not very fun. random curse words and 6 hours are a time all for the same blueprint you already have is just nuts. I have played a lot of grinders but that is a serious grind , and after all of that grind and getting the blueprints then you have to grind mats! YAY!!!! that was another day or two just to finish that and find out that the 3 blue prints take 12 hours to craft! YAY! now the waiting game then log back in the next day to see that the rhino can be built!!! yay! i mean errm YAY!!!!! but and its a big BUT you have to wait 3 days for it to finish crafting taunting you in your foundry , after that i found my self counting the time to crafting complete. lastly on the warframe topic It is not pay to win yet .... but more of how much is your time worth vs. grinding and i mean final fantasy crap grinding. after all that i would of much rather just paid them 8 bucks in beta to try the rhino.still very fun game just do not get hard core on the grinding of the parts or you will hate the game afterwards. for the question you have asked ESO will be b2p I could see a try it before you buy it way later in the game but release b2p guild wars 2 did change a lot of things in the spectrum but at the same time f2p is great but you always always always get what you pay for unless you bought the war Z , .... hahaha i kid i kid but seriously I want to give the A- bomb to all the trolls around the world ... I hope you slip and fall in the shower and hurt your mouse hand
thanks for the great show and info without it we would have to listen to well you know who i was going to say
I was looking to buy Tera Online when I found that info and I seeing how you asked that if we thought ESO is going to be free to play, Buy to play or pay to play I thought that was was funny and good timing
question of the week i have been a fan of the elder scrolls since 4 (i did try morrowind but i couldn't get into it) I would have to say that the elder scrolls online would definitely be a buy 2 play purely because of where it has come from the elder scrolls has always been a single player rpg on the buy to play model and in it has always been open world action combat based game (which they are retaining in online).
DA bomb for Tera going to free 2 play next month and actually adding stuff instead of restricting like the 5-6 mounts. i so want the crystal unicorn or the other dark blue unicorn and name it princess Luna (yea i m a brony)
question of the week i have been a fan of the elder scrolls 4 (i did try morrowind buy i couldn't get into it) I would have to say that the elder scrolls online would definitely be a buy 2 play purely because of where it has come from the elder scrolls has always been a single player rpg on the
hopefully it's just because of beta that it's become so repetitive i.e same ship, variance of missions...
personally I may eventually try to hit up making 'Ember', maybe 'Ash'
I was so excited to get Beta access to the game, and ended up uninstalling the client within 15 minutes of game play. I think 10 of those minutes was wasted on confusion of the hype given to this game.
Let me just give a DA-BOMB to Havek for getting worked up about the annoyance he had with the game.
I have a Da-Bomb to Tera's F2P model. Looks like it will be incredibly non-restrictive. I applaud Blue Hole for not taking a Freemium model like almost all other P2P converts do. Gonna download it today (actually probably over the next few days, since my internet speed is absolutely shit) & try it out prior to the F2P conversion.
Also, I don't remember what episode it was, but in one of the F2P Cast's there was a prediction (by MagicMan I believe) that The Secret World would go free first, then Tera, then Rift. Well, it did kinda go like that, didn't it? lol (kinda, since TSW is B2P). =3
I'm catching the end of the open beta just before the wipe and I absolutely love it! Best dungeon instance style mmo I have ever played! (Multiple dungeon instances to enter, but not exclusive to you/your party) The dungeons are challenging! They are seriously challenging and I freaking love it. After a first playthrough a dungeon only takes about 30minutes. But when you first run a dungeon(without a guide) It can take as long as 2 hours to work through puzzles and navigate the passageways. Permadeath is possible, but not likely. It still adds that sense of danger to the game. The most exciting feature would be the open PVP. If killed in a dungeon, other players AND MONSTERS can loot your corpse! So you need to rush to resurrect! This game is loads of fun, I'm going to lay off it til the full release(Jan 14th is a open beta wipe then Jan 16th is full release I think?)