The Planetside 2 official release is just days away and while the developers have been hard at work adding new content and balancing the game for release, no tutorials for new players have yet to be implemented.
On this week's show we invite in a viewer host to discuss a Forbes F2P article, drop our opinions of GameGlobe, and sadly review the official end of the LONG dead gamer TV channel that was G4TV. All this and more on this all new episode!
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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The Planetside 2 official release is just days away and while the developers have been hard at work adding new content and balancing the game for release, no tutorials for new players have yet to be implemented.
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
To bad i cant be arsed playing though it again for the story on other characters.
This company deserves way better than the hate they get from all sides, like accusations made primarily by people not even playing the game, the one about moba exclusivity in contracts with third party tournament organizers, many big name officials from companies like IPL (IGN), IEM and MLG came out and said they have never heard of anything like that.
They have earned my respect, I have never seen a company listen to the community this much. Even a few weeks ago, at the Season 2 finals, we dictated the program, we wanted a showmatch with players from teams who were already out - check, we wanted a particular shoutcasting duo to cast the finals (Deman and Jatt) - check, we wanted a true Lan client for the finals, after the issues at the playoffs - check.
I am very excited for the new upcoming changes, from all the info I heard of, the changes are more drastic than some games get in a sequel.
World of Erinn, from Mabinogi where I could just rebirth and change my age and appearance if I deem necessary.
A-bomb to EVERY player out there who consider Vindictus/Dragon Nest/TERA/Raiderz as the first few good MMO which utilizes the real-time battle system. Fantasy Earth Zero was made in 2006 and utilizes said battle system and it is an epic game. Graphics may be dated to some people, but gameplay is still fun, which is what is important for games. Sadly it was published to the West 4 years later than the original release and by GamepotUSA, which is now apparently nonexistent so I can't give them an A-bomb.
A-bomb to players who prefer graphics over gameplay, yes A-bomb to players who prefer looking at high end graphics over decent gameplay, you lot are not gamers just an art lover.
A-bomb to most of the Western MMO publishers for failing to publish a game correctly.
Da bomb Fantasy Earth Zero [FEZ] (FEZ sounds so much better than TERA) for being enjoyable even after being over half a decade old. Also a da bomb for Mabinogi for being one of the few unique games that allow players to learn virtually all skills with the few exception of racially locked skills, we need more pf these type of games instead of the overused classes.
Da bomb for Wizardry Online and Phantasy Star Online 2 for allowing players to create cute characters and being fun. I LOVE both of them.
Next, I wanna talk just a little bit about Firefall. Specifically, I would like to address Inflictious' A-bomb. I got an opportunity to play during this past stress test weekend, and I can say that, in my opinion, this game isn't ready, even for an open beta test. Bugs abound, from mysteriously reset quest progress to keybindings changing between logins. A lot of optimizations are needed on a technical level. Granted, bugs such as this should be expected in an open beta test, but at the same time, the majority of players these days seems to expect an open beta to be a finished product, with all of the kinks worked out. For better or worse, that's the environment an open beta product is stepping into, and as it is, an open beta of Firefall would probably drive away a lot of potential players.
Now, for my weekly bomb. This one goes to Aeria Games... and it's an A-bomb. Honestly, I can't pick out one thing to say about them that isn't at least annoying, if not worthy of an A-bomb. Their "closed beta" system is ridiculous... how the hell is it a closed beta when all you have to do is create an account with them to get in? And don't even get me started on the quality of the games they've been releasing lately. Born to Fire is seriously one of the worst pieces of crap I've ever had the misfortune to waste my time on. I honestly don't even want to try DK Online anymore, with the mess I've seen lately from the company backing it. And that's my highly opinionated view on the matter.
Finally, to the question of the week. What f2p MMO world would I want to live in? That is a difficult question, because all of them are so awesome and/or dangerous. I guess it would be cool to be a Summoner in the League of Legends. Thing is, I haven't really found any f2p games with stories that draw me in like other fictional worlds. You know, locales the likes of the Star Wars galaxy or, I'll admit it, Azeroth. To make a bigger point here, I would say that the free to play model, in general, lacks compelling story driven gameplay. There might be that rare gem here and there, but for the most part, it's just about playing something fun for a little while here and there. You could argue that one of the biggest stories in the MMO world is coming to the f2p market in the form of SWTOR, but you guys should know my opinion on that piece of crap free to play implementation.
living in a game world?
1 yeah why not but will that mean i can play with earth as a mmorpg that will be 1 hell of a great game.
http://www.rpgmp3.com/downloads/data/av-deadalewives-dnd-part-2-stream.mp3 (Source of this link came from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Alewives#Dungeons_and_Dragons_sketch)
Da bomb to Wreck-it Ralph..
One of the best video game based movies i have seen in a long long time.
How are you? :p
Da-bomb to the new video for ESO. Seems like they are going to try and make the MMO as much like the original series as possible. I foresee myself loving that game.
A-Bomb to starwars for going over to the dark side. I know disney has had marvel for a little while now and hasn't really done anything wrong to it, in my opinion, but I never guess starwars would be going over to disney too. I am not the hugest starwars fan ever, seeing as I am more of a fantasy guy then scifi, but I still love the starwars universe. I suppose all we can do is hope.
I wouldn't mind becoming an actual part of the website some day, not just a viewer and someone who stays active in forums, but doing reviews and getting my opinion out there. Me and my buddy sit around and talk about video games almost everyday for at least 2 hours, on average. A big deal that we can't seem to get over is f2p limiting character creation. No one wants to play a class, or race, all the way to end game when they really just wanted to play another. Having to unlock a class or race is about the stupidest thing in my opinion.
Thank's Magicmissle , this made my day , lmao
And hello from Romania,
If I could live in any F2P universe.. I would have to pick RF Online. I'd love to be a Bellato and drive around in a huge mech and endlessly gank the Accretians. lmao. But to be honest... I want to live in the world of Zelda... so I can cut my grass with a sword and be done with it so much quicker. I hate mowing.
If i could live in any f2p universe id pick PSO 2. But i think id wait till NA release(;
Ok maybe that was a little self centered How about something more legit like a Da-bomb to MMOBomb for being amazing as a whole. Okay, you guys get that one all the time so let me be more specific on why you guys are amazing. The upcoming shows that I'm very eager to see such as the Fan interviews and live streamed shows! You guys are expanding to truly serve the community. This Weekly podcast is a great start at integrating the fans into your show. placing more emphasis on the viewers than the just the content is extremely commendable. When I see someone say they're all for the fans, I don't automatically say "Not really," but I do get a slight bit of skepticism when they rarely interact with the community.
Long story short, I can't wait to see these new shows launch and thank you guys for placing more emphasis on communicating with the fans than standalone Free to Play news.
As for the question of the day, I'm pretty much torn about this one. A lot of the newer titles I'm into have very dark and depressing backgrounds behind them. If anything I'd love to go to a much older title and say Mabinogi. It has its dark moments here and there, but like life, there is still joy to be had. It's not all about killing and violence that really saturates the industry. I'm all for my shooters and stuff, but I wouldn't even dare to say I'd want to live those worlds.
I'm a FPS commando and i love planet side 2. However. there's another FPS by SOE that i hate to death. Bullet run. so really, Da bomb for Planet side 2 and a big fat A bomb to Bullet run. Hopefully the cash shop in PS2 is more fair then in Bullet run.
As to monetizing stuff like Skyrim. I hate to say it, but we've been buying games that do a form of that already. They release a base game, then make you pay $5 to $20 for each addition beyond the base. Just look at stuff like borderlands 2. The mechromancer could have easily been put into the base game. However, they decided to keep it out and make you pay for it if you didn't pre-order the game.
P.S. I got my glasses, I'll try to take pictures tomorrow. *sighs* The things I have to do...
F2P will NEVER, NEVER become the primary business model for consoles. Only certain genres will work with F2P for consoles. Shooters? Sure. Platformers, single player RPGs? NEVER.
What F2P game world would I want to live in? To be honest, none really. I'm not familiar enough with any F2P game world lore to really have a vested interest in it...
Thank you Magicman ! I enjoyed the time talking and giving my opinion's to you and the community about the gaming new's/f2p world.
"Thank you for contacting the customer support. As of right now, the game is not supported by Windows 8. This is something that we will be working on, but it won't be ready anytime soon.
The Customer Support Team"
Windows 8 ultimately isn't that much of a difference than Windows 7 so there is no reason for them to neglect Microsoft's new OS. Is Ubisoft that much against Windows 8 and they're thinking its going to be a total flop? Even a flop to Microsoft means hundreds of millions of copies sold of the Windows 8 OS. They should get on it and make this game work for Windows 8.