Gamescom is one of the biggest events in the games industry and a fantastic showcase where developers, publishers and gamers gather to see what gaming has to offer now and what is coming in the future. The free to play industry n...
On this week's show we chat about the pros and cons of the RaiderZ beta, cheer on the new Warframe trailer, and then chat about IP blocks being added to a game AFTER its release. Come and drop a weekly bomb with us as we review your feedback and add in our own 2 cents! Hang out with Magicman, Havek, and a special guest some of you may know on this all new episode of the Free to Play Cast!
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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Gamescom is one of the biggest events in the games industry and a fantastic showcase where developers, publishers and gamers gather to see what gaming has to offer now and what is coming in the future. The free to play industry n...
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
Da-Bomb! To Archeblade even tho its not out yet, It looks like a good game and seen as Dragon Nest was a great skill shot game then Archeblade should be as good but with more pvp and better graphics..
Allso Da-Bomb to you guys for mentioning my last bombs :))
A- Bomb to all the developers of games witch get shut down >:[ These people annoy me hugely! For the fact that I used to play Luna Online all the time! and that the developers stoped updating the game because they wanted more money and were being greedy ass son of a bitch's and ruining a great game for everyone! A new luna was launched but it was just not as good and didnt feel the same, To all the greedy ass developers out there " GET YOUR SHIT RIGHT! "
Burning Thirst - http://www.burningthirst.com/
Da Bomb to Firefall For everything else Still a really good game.
Acronis Disk Director is a great piece of software you can boot into to make a partition.
Or better yet, get Hirens Boot Disk. It's loaded with TONNES of great tools to solve computer issues.
Magicman, Got a little confused with that last gameplay vid. :D
To Havek,
Could have been worse getting killed by a Moped. God was not being that mean to you on that day.
Question of the Week :
I sent you The Stairwell but you never responded to me wether you had played it or not or if Damina was willing to give it a go !
Game's and Link's
Candles - http://candles.en.softonic.com/
A mothers Inferno - http://amothersinferno.dadiugames.dk/
A Story About My Uncle - http://astoryaboutmyuncle.com/
Homura Combat - http://doujingravity.blogspot.ca/2012/01/homura-combat.html
( the mediafire, 3 part download work just fine )
I'll start with those for now
Check this trailer out, Has got my really intrigued
Among The Sleep ( Official Site ) http://www.krillbite.com/ats/ Been following this.
Ok And Magicman.. Please take a look at this game, A rather big DL of a gig, I can only see this going as a free to play game. I did explore it a little. The world is to HUGE, but a ran for about 10 minutes till i died JUST to look at how amazing the Dinosaurs Looked.
Gameplay needs a little work ( ok alot ).. But has some potential.. Plz give this a look for yourself !
Planet Explorer -( for the alpha download) http://www.moddb.com/games/planet-explorers/downloads/planet-explorers-alpha-v02
( Official Site )
To take a more indepth peek - http://pathea.net/node/4
Enjoy All.... And i would really like some feedback on what you think of any of these that any of you like !
I haven't played the new Firefall patch (I joined Firefall in the last patch before the removal of Medic) but I've really enjoyed the PvE. I'm staying away from PvP for now as I'm based in Australia, as I fear the latency issues which plague FPS games without servers in Australia or are for Oceania (besides, I'm not great at FPS, so PvE will help me improve :D)
With subscriptions, I've given my opinion on them in the forums. There are certain aspects of sub games (and to an extent, b2p games too) which appeal where f2p games do not, so no I don't believe they're dead.
Great show guys, looking forward to it next week, assuming I take a break from GW2 :D
the PWE or Frogster translate langue ... nothing more ...
Frogster/GameForge has for Europe
if u say PWE RaiderZ people will think that they are making this game ...
I don't agree that PWE is p2w, first because they usually sell like crystals that help upgrade and stuff like that and second because with 4 or sometimes more ways to get the cash shop items you don't need to pay to win, but I still don't like those things on the cash shop, but that are companies like GPotato that have an even more imbalanced cash shop and still not p2w... and btw, PWE doesn't block IP like many other companies, so...
About the free games, I only know one free indie game, don't know if it is the best but I like it, it is called Dead Cyborg... the game is not that big doesn't have a lot of maps yet because it works through donation, if you liked you pay and when it gets to a certain amount he will make the expansion... but it is a nice and simple game
punching it for issues with emulation? emulation that isn't officialy supported? are you seriuos? so argument about bad emulation on mac went valid for show? can you tell us how many games do that ok, and which ones? all this sounds awkward
-P.S.- Loving the intro and outro music as always :D
We already see this a little bit with EvE Online because of the presence of the PLEX.
Game publishers and developers could now use free-to-play in order to draw in massive audiences by using excellent content, ease of access, and highly open games alongside the ability for users to trade their virtual items for money to generate marketplaces. From those marketplaces they can skim fees from players trading in order to make money off the game. In a way, it would mean that the health of the game could be measured in how many people wanted those items enough to pay money for them.
I know it opens a gigantic virtual “can of worms” when it comes to virtual item ownership; but if Diablo 3 succeeds with RMT and we see a free-to-play MMO gain some sort of gigantic audience dominance, it could be used to keep a game running even with dwindling interest in an in-game cash shop.