Star Trek Online (STO) is a free to play 3D Sci-Fi MMORPG based on the popular Star Trek series.
Ever play Minecraft and think "This needs a gun?", how about getting the opportunity to name and create your own MMO? Our weekly podcast gives you both in this new episode. Listen and get the scoop on highly anticipated betas, see how our panel fares when faced with MMOBomb Trivia, and much more.
Free-To-Play Cast is a exclusive podcast (and videocast) from MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games but more focused on the personal opinions of our editors and players. Have fun and expect a new show next week!
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Star Trek Online (STO) is a free to play 3D Sci-Fi MMORPG based on the popular Star Trek series.
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
Go back to school so that you can contribute to society at some point in the future instead of "reviewing" games with your very limited scope of experience.
1. Lineage 2, Has no GM Customer Service my account got hacked, not keylogged when it went Free 2 Play, Lineage 2 GM's would not restore or fix my account let alone get the person responsible for it. (So I am no longer playing.)
2. Perfect World, I love their games, but the problem with their games is the cash shop. I do not mind paying $50 or $100 on a game I like first time, and like $20 a month, however the games PWI Offers doesn't offer me Unlimited customizations, or unlimited resets. For example if I have spent at least $100 in 1 year these features should be 100% FREE for the entire year.
Not saying every item in the cash shop should be free I do not mind paying additional for costumes,etc. But I want to be able to sell trade these to my alts and to other players not bound items, otherwise I feel it is a RIP OFF.
3. I have spent lots of moeny on F2P MMO's but i will not pay for MMO's that do not offer anything worth paying for or feel like a RIP-OFF MMO.
MMOBomb, You Guys Are The Best...
As for the questions of this week i actually asked some of my friends just to see what they would answer...The answer i got from them was unanimous "The most anticipated game of 2012" for them is ArcheAge Online which is also my answer to this same question.
As for the question about what name i would give to my own game and what would it be about...
That's kind of a hard one...there are so many games out there and so many others coming out that i think i would pick up all the good ideas of each game and trow them all together and see what comes out of there. Like the best skill system i ever found in a game plus no gender/race lock for classes, a good balance between quests and grind exp. Well you see where i'm getting right?! (It would probably end up like some chaotic project with no future o.o' but who knows...)
Anyway don't want to turn this into a huge wall of text so...See ya next time!
Hugs to all from Portugal
gener: post- apocaliptic, steampunk MMORPG
no levels, just lerning eaverything from doeing something, no restrictions and total freedom.
a lot of mutated things, after the apocalips plus few survivers that made a huge step in medicin and robotics for the robotick replaysment parts
p.s. isnt C9 a P2P?
FYI im a guy :P
and i live in Kosovo =]
not everyone likes those wasd to move , some gamers (like myself) are lazy and wanna relax when playing an mmorpg
plus hitting skill hotkeys while moving with wasd , doesent work and never will work EVER xD
c9 does look epic ,kabod online has stunning char graphics aswell and is now live and fp2 ,lots of nudity and sex aswell as mobs quest and drops /pvp pretty epic and worth being included in the next pod cast
This is YOUR show, I just host it. in that spirit, I want to get even MORE viewer involvement than we already have. Today I am asking for co-hosts to join us for discussion in episodes a few weeks from now. I would like you to YouTube message me with why YOU should be considered as a host for a day and what you want to talk about. We will pick a few to reach out to discuss further. Please remember that as much as I would love to, I CANNOT reach out to EVERYONE who applies!
Obviously you would need to have Skype, a mic, and there would be an audio quality test as well.
Anyways I wanted to answer your second question about making my own game.
The name would be: Last one
Genre: MMORPG, Zombie, Survival
I always wanted to play a game where the world just had a zombie outbreak. You and some neighbors decided to team up and make a small base in our neighborhood (These neighbors would be randomly selected people from the game lobby). You scavenge during the day for items that would help make your mini base better, upgrade your weapons and armor. As you advance in days, you and your fellow neighbors (Other people in the game) can decide to either stay and expand your base, or go in an adventure to find other bases and work together to improve your own lives. As you find more member that joined your "Party" or "Group" you can start to rebuild humanity and create guarded cities. In these cities you can create and customize your own little home with a storage area of your items, and you can sleep, create and improve your items here with that items that you scavenge during the day. The ultimate goal of the game is to create a giant city with thousands of members, and to finally get the technology to create a antidote for the zombie outbreak.
Thanks for reading :D
Maiet - being such a rather small company sure did do an awsome job with GunZ being 9 years old and i still play it daily after 7 years.
I have signed up for the beta in it and i hope PWE does a good job of running it for them. Just don;t expect to chat much since PWE Always in every game uses that as an item mall feature!
I have a few questions for you reguarding this episode.
1) Age of Wushu - With no leveling do you think that the item mall " will " end up being a huge determining factor in pvp?
2) You mentioned that you do not like the idea of adding friends to your social networking accounts due to your Professional networking, To access a beta.
Have you ever considered making your character ( in game name) a profile?
I myself have created a social networking profile for my character, This way it acts as a resume,(since more and more companys are making us jump that little extra to get in)
.In game friends have become my community.
Get into enough closed beta's your always keeping your ingame name!
My most anticipated game of 2012 - FireFall - just reminds me alittle of Starship Troopers and might bring a new feel to the F2P market.
As for my game ( I would really have to look at it from a profit point of view)
Name - Cybertronic Fantasy Realms
Type - Social Networking - FPS - MMORPG - Fantasy - Gambling - Racing - And various Sporting events.
I would want players to only have to login to 1 game and play them all without ever having to exit a style of game to play something else.
( 1 world that has everything in it that every gamer would desire)
Would need a rating of 16+ though - costumes in item mall ( sex sells )
And Thank's Magicman for agreeing with me in your video on how i look at item mall purchases.
Keep up the good work guy's , looking forward to the next Cast.
Your fan Inflictious.
Has he not played Blacklight Retribution.
Just by looking at TDM on this game, .. Utter garbage. Cross the map in 5 seconds.
Enemys glow white before they spawn, as soon as they spawn in your aiming at their head, cap cap, headshot.
Wait for them to spawn again.
Plenty gaming industries oppose SOPA and PIPA; just watch this youtube video, created by gaming CEO, Hosts, Publishers, etc..
Oh, and don't forget to sign up for the petition against E3 who support SOPA and PIPA.
Age of Wulin is would also be a good game to see discussed by you guys in one of the upcoming episodes :)
By the way, you guys should look into SOPA and PIPA, if it would affect the free to play online communities.
Whatever the case, discussion is unwelcome on the official forums. Posts are deleted.