On the first episode of our new series, Foreign Fridays, Spunkify checks out Phantasy Star Online 2 a new MMO published by Sega and currently available only in Japan.
On this all new episode of the Free to Play Cast Magicman acknowledges his crushing defeat at the hands of Shadee, the team chats it up about a MOBA in a browser, and then brings it back around to the much hyped Planet Side 2. Not only that, but the hosts also answer hypothetical questions from viewers about life, death, and video games. Welcome to the Free to Play Cast! If you're new here pull up a chair and enjoy!
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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On the first episode of our new series, Foreign Fridays, Spunkify checks out Phantasy Star Online 2 a new MMO published by Sega and currently available only in Japan.
"It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for 'em"
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
A Paragon-inspired project actually see the light of day, but can it compete with a crowded field of MOBAs?
By the way i am a guy-boy-man (which ever you want). And yes my name is a male one :-) Us in Slavic countries (greatings from Bulgaria) in Europe have "strange" names :-D.
Question of the week: What are your names (Magicman and the others, or just you)? You might have mentioned them in previous shows but i have been following you for maybe 10 episodes now (new fan) :-D!
"D" Heroes and Generals for all the great things they are doing to the game and still awesome tweaks to come!
Also another "D" bomb to Ghost Reacon Online for going into OB phase so i can snipe some nubz :-D
"A" Bomb to Darkblood... When i looked at that game i felt like i am getting sexually harrased, horrible experience! Don't get me wrong i love me some pretty girls but as a fellow here said it's better to catch you watching porn...
I also have an A-Bomb for My Little Pony Online for not letting me have rainbow hair
Question of the week to Brim "When did your path of hating MOBA games started? What was the reason for you to choose this path?" :D
i give an A- Bomb to Maestia, i can't seem to login to the game every time i try it says Logging in to the Server and stops, apparently i am not the only one, from what i have been reading you need an European IP to play, not having one i can not try this one out, but either way keep up the good work guys!
what will you do now that you have stoped playing mobas
i got a D bomb for c9 and raderz for puting the skill back in gaming
and an A bomb for AQ worlds for having to pay to get anything that look cool
an pay to have fun is not so fun :(
Firefall does not compare to the action of Planetside 2 by no means is it even close.
And before you bother, I won't even care about hate remarks to this, as I am simply stating my opinion which has reguarly been backed up by a multitude of others in the Planetside 2 tech test.
My questions for you guys is: If you happened to play an mmo and you really enjoyed it but you only saw a couple players online. Would you still keep playing the game even though finding players to team up with, complete dungeons or just chat would take a very long time or would you quit?
I have to say I totally agree Magicman, gameplay and cutscenes have to get closer! Like in GTA san andreas (oaky...where graphics have been all edgy but still!) the cutscenes between missions have been made in actual gamegraphics!
there's a company called "Euclideon", search it up on youtube, they posted a video about "unlimeted detail graphics" it really looks amazing! If it is no scam and game industry's gonna pick up their technology... awesome!
The_Bomb: bullet run game that looks good has lot good thing but they used new system called style . costumes give style which give extra heat everything my question the hell would do that i dont even understand how it works ( this is by Sony so i don't know what to say about cash shop and premium account ) .
Derp : i was playing smite ones in while have feel of it yesterday i was in game the game just started it had all good normal team when came field one my teammate left so it 4 vs 5 i told we will try we can win then in 5 mins another guy left or dc i don't know . so i said OK we get 1 one each lane we can still try defend just as i said one more left my team so it was 2v5 we had no tank i was mage it was ra and other that new lion god we stood on left side of them gank a god but found our self being attack by 3 got we literali vanished in 2 sec . so i said no use fight let just go with flow and leave ....(i comment derp bcos i really dont know how to use twitter and only use facebook )
to all host which one game all have been waiting for the longest ( i don't care if it released or not )
i want how long . i am been waiting game called blades and souls for about 3 years and still more .
(looking forward to next game ) :)
Anyways, I'm giving a Da Bomb to Gamigo for making the game Otherland. It seems to be very interesting and I shall be keeping an eye out for that. Although, I shall have to see if it will be truly free to play or pay to win. I sure hope Gamigo won't screw it up.
Also giving A Bomb to Perfect World Entertainment for banning my account because I allegedly accessed their games from a region that was banned. I have not actually logged into any of PWE's games for at least 3 or 4 years, and I never played any games when on vacation. I have sent them tickets for customer support, and they have ignored me since and made me wait forever before they sent back a reply stating that my account might have been hacked and if I change my password, they shall unban me. However, after following directions like a good boy, they did nothing to my account, and ignored my other tickets ever since.
Enough of my ranting. My question to the people of the free to play cast, is that was their ever a time which you were pissed because of shipping problems, anywhere from something being damaged in the package that made you pissed/rage to aliens stealing the unpasteurized cheese that you ordered from France which made you sad/cry.
Thank you for making the free to play cast something that I am looking forward to every week and once again, keep up the superb job!
theoretically, hypothetically ...15 $ it is as if you had to pay for the game $ 61 per month in those countries ..
for this weeks bombs I'm gonna say a bomb to SOE not only for their poor handling of their tiered content but for the fact they up and abandoned europe (living uk so that's frustrating)
for my DA BOMB it's gotta be the fact raiderz is cbt soon got my key and can't wait.
for the weekly question to all the cast is what's the longest amount of time you have played a mmo for in a single sitting and did that include a food and drink binge
First let me congratulate Spunkify on joining, my Da'Bomb goes to his "Foreign fridays" great to have some import news.
Let me join the AAA bashing by giving an A Bomb to Diablo 3's auction house mechanic.
I happened to stumble on to a youtube video (by Kripparrian) explaining the subtleties of last-minute bids and dc's from rapid refreshing. I was going like: "Censored"...and they still haven't fixed that even with real money at stake! On the other hand in games like PoE you don't even need gold and "one man's trash is another man's treasure". Auction houses are generally a bad idea in "slot machine" games, but if you don't have one you just end up with "the WTT/S/B in global chat phenomenon".
P.S. Watching the Sword art online anime gave me the opportunity to think about death due to extreme gaming in new light. So my question for the hosts (and anyone else willing to answer) is:
What would you do to save someone you care about from "perma-death in Real Life Online"(hehe) due to "game overdose"?
May the gods of F2P and their prophets at MMOBomb always Smite the subscribers!
My second Da-Bomb goes to PSO 2, which is amazing. I can't read a single thing on that game and am still having a blast.
My A-Bomb goes to Pay-To-Win games. Any game that requires you to pay over 60$ to be successful is absurd, just make the game 60$! There are some games that actually require you to spend THOUSANDS to be competitive.
Keep up the good work guys.
Im gunna give A DA-Bomb and an A-bomb but with a twist its for the same game -.- Bullet run(SOE no suprize hey) Da bomb because generally its and amazing game i have TUNNNNNNS OF FUN PLAYING IT seriously its not a bad game it feels like a solid shooter and has alot of things i thought were cool but i also gave it an A-bomb because of how damn hard it is to get anything i have gotten 15k points in the game in a matter of 4 days and i havent even been palying that much but still the amount of effort i had to put into thost matches so that i would come out on top and get the coins i needed to buy ANY OF THE GUNS (seriously 14k for a new gunna that didnt really help much) was crazy or 9 k for a red dot sight? i feel that it drags the fun out of the game even thought it does follow magicman's idea its F2P since u can infact get everything in game but u can save time by buying the items instead.
wooooooo this was a long one
Any whooo i cant wait for Planetside 2 and Firefall like you guys said today they are both free 2 play and i can jump in and out of those games any time i want but wat i think is the difference between the two is the style of playing if i wanna go for something like PVE or maybe arena fighting im gunna go for Firefall(reminds me a little of TF2 the pvp) since thats how it pans out but if i want full scale battles with tanks and mechs and planes and rockets then you guessed it im going for planetside 2. its strange how much this sounds like Cod(firefall) vs Bf(PS2) ... just saying :P
Amazing show lads sorry about the HUGE post :D enjoy :D
And most likely TL:DR :P
Another DA-Bomb to Spunkify for his excellent Foreign Fridays video and his successful operation for bringing more people to the servers. He instant recruited me at least so here I come rich rice fields and cute schoolgirls ~ time for some sci-fi madness on the land of the setting sun.
but they get the info at the in game opening sermony :) so you would not die in the game before you get the information.
A bomb to fantasy rpg mmo's, They make up 90% of mmo's and have the originality of a larry the cable guy show... which is not much.
My question is to Dr.Doodle bird man of sesame street, magicman. Do you wish there would finally be a mmo, set in a zombie Apocalypse