Warframe is a free to play sci-fi third person hack-slash shooter by Digital Extremes.
This week on the Free to Play Cast we ring in the new year by talking about games that are going the way of the Dodo! Are developers and publishers no longer on the same page? Can using older art styles hurt your new game? Come with us an answer these questions and leave a weekly bomb or two while you're here!
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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Warframe is a free to play sci-fi third person hack-slash shooter by Digital Extremes.
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
It came at the right time with the right IP, but does it deliver?
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
At first ESO is launching as a sub based game.
As for a free replacement... Unfortionately for as long as i have been gaming there are not really alot, But i would suggest you take a step back in time and try Rappelz or Requiem.. Back then MMorpg's were vast Maps/World's, not like the mini map's were are flooded with now a day's... First i really reccomend Requiem out of the 2 if you never played , More of a Dark feeling in this title.
I spent a good year and a 1/2 there when i played.
I actually picked up two games of note over my winter vacation. The first was Dynasty Warriors Online. It may be somewhat old, and it may really be showing its age at this point, but there's just something really satisfying about laying into thousands upon thousands of useless blade fodder enemies and watching them go down without even the slightest hint of resistance. It's just fun to plug in my gamepad and mercilessly slaughter the hordes of the Three Kingdoms for a few hours. Of course, that may have something to do with having played nearly every game in the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors franchises since I discovered DW3. On top of that, this title actually has a fair amount of the depth you'd expect from an MMO, especially considering that nearly everything you do takes place in a traditional DW-style battle scenario.
The second game is a little title by the name of Warframe. I grabbed one of the 10k or so beta keys offered by MMOBomb and jumped in immediately. After having logged an unknown amount of hours in game, in both solo and co-op missions, I am thoroughly engrossed. It's got beautiful graphics, a well-written AI, a fantastic stats tracking system, it's incredibly fun... I could keep naming stuff, but I only have so much time left in my life and I really want to get back to playing it. But if there's one thing that really makes it stand out to me, it's that this game is probably the most well optimized free to play title I have picked up since League of Legends. And it's still in beta. I'm running a two and a half year old Macbook Pro (that is to say, obsolete when I got it), and I can actually leave on all those effects and graphical settings that normally slow performance to a crawl, including the fabled DX11. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they actually give users the option to run the game 64-bit mode. Seriously, other devs. A 32-bit program will never run as well on a 64-bit platform as a 64-bit program. Figure this out, soon.
If it wasn't obvious, my Da-Bomb goes to Warframe.
I do have a kind of small complaint/comment about the show.
Don't get me wrong. Love the site,show and all of you guy's for the job you do.
When i started following this since episode 1 !
All of Your cohost bomb's were game related and i loved and valued all of your opinion's with high regaurd's.They not only add to the show.But give a feeling of a first look / Thought of a players perspective of aspects that make or break a game.That we as viewers are interested in knowing.
Since about mid season Half the bombs are Not even game related at all. Honestly i could care less about someone having a bad taco, buying something from a store , what they liked or hated on the weekend.Flaming other host's. What's happening?
Sorry Magicman , I know every Bomb that you personnaly give is Game related.
All of your opinion's matter , But not about non game related bomb's. Maybe alot of the fan's like hearing those but again is not gaming related what is what brought me here in the first place !
Keep up the good work
First off i thing people give Family guy online not enough credits.
1 its not the best game.
2 bored fast
3 yes its nothing new.
but i give a dbomb for FGO for at lease try.
we can all say what ever we want but when game like this dont come again we will no longer.
appreciate the game that are top notch.
my last question little off topic but ....
do you guys thing its a good idea to have more map and modes in LoL?
Makes for a great forum though if you catch my drift =p
every one is open to join to many complainants
"so they banned the ip ban and now every one is able to join as of yesterday "
question of the week the game i played for the first time in the xmas holidays was tera online it's a great game, just wish they'd go free to play already.
DA Bomb for asiasoft's handling of the beta delay.
A bomb to Salem when i tried to play, text instructions and other text where so small as to be unreadable on my 19" full hd tv monitor
Family Guy Online:played it for like 5m then quit cause i got bored lol
Salem:i don't like games that all u gotta do is like build build build i don't like this game nor minecraft i also wanna apologize cause salem online was like 1 of the only first looks i saw like 1m of the video and then closed it cause i got bored i am sorry magicman i can't help it dude its just too horrible for me <.<
QOTW:i played loadout i got a key from a friend and played it but didn't like it cause it seems to me like everyone have op weapons exept me :( i quit it after like 1h of gameplay also i didn't like that it has literaly so little players especially in the europe server usually its like 15 people in us and like 5 in europe.
A BOMB to gpotato for giving beta keys to players and not giving any info whatsoever about when they gonna release the game.i mean come on really?at least tell us what month early 2013 won't do anymore
Da bomb to aion i recently found a private server which i am playing in and THANK GOD IT HAS NO RESTRICTIONS ofc i am getting advantage of the xp bonus and the better drop rate but i personally joined it cause it has no restriction p.s Aion Europe sucks
Bombininator's with you guys !!))))
Great Show guy!
Congratz for the 1m users!