This week on Free to Play Weekly: Kingdom Heart's next game is Free-to-Play, Kartuga's closed beta kicks off, Path of Exile begins level race, Hailan Rising asks players to crash their servers, and more!...
On this week's show we lament the fact that Kingdom Hearts 3 still hasn't been released, but take a look at a card game from the famous IP. We also jump into F2P Game of the Year Editions (they can have those??), and Peek at the slim amount of information available for The Aurora World. Top it off with a smattering of weekly bombs and feedback and you have a great show!
If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to michael@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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This week on Free to Play Weekly: Kingdom Heart's next game is Free-to-Play, Kartuga's closed beta kicks off, Path of Exile begins level race, Hailan Rising asks players to crash their servers, and more!...
It came at the right time with the right IP, but does it deliver?
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
hey is there suposed to be another free to play cast this week cuz i dont see on site i wanted to watch after school but now im bored well ill watch this 1 again
But bashing Scarlet Blade have consequences. Big companies have long hands. Hope they will forgot it, and return your license in year or two.
And those other dude was advertising spades on yahoo like 5 or 6 times in a row. They probably have payed him. No wonder it was hes last show.
When i read KH online, the firsty thing that came to my mind was fast action gameplay with other people, maybe on instance or something, sort of like vindictus maybe. With the cool clothe and oversize shoes, and Square/Disney NPC's along for the story.
Highly disappointing at this decision to use such a strong name as KH,and just spit on it like this :/.
(Not to offend anyone who is actually thrilled about this game)
As for the Kingdom Hearts card game... no thanks.. just because its a card game and that alone smells of having to spend lot of money having already spent so much money on other card games. Will this hurt the franchise? Probably not. If they had said "hey, we're not doing Kingdom Hearts 3 anymore. Here's a card game instead!" Then the gates of hell would open up. But since that obviously isn't the case, unless KH3 never sees the light of day(though unlikely).
As for the PS4... Hooray I guess but I won't be buying it at launch. I only just bought my PS3 last Black Friday. 200 dollars for the 250GB PS3. I kinda wished they had announced it in 2015 so I could at least get a year or 2 on this console before they bring out the next one lmao. Oh well, what can you do? lol
Now for those fun little bundles.. This would probably NEVER happen and it would probably be OUTRAGEOUSLY priced. But a thing for Blacklight: Retribution would be cool. But with that said we're dealing with PWE and we know that will never happen. lol. I guess Need for Speed World I suppose. 50 bucks to unlock all the cars would be awesome. Then again... we're talking EA here.
This weekly A-bomb goes to all my friends who are asleep when i can't sleep. lol.
Great show!You are awesome!Lets see how Spunk does next week!
Hope you guys return some day...WITH A F2P LIVE CAST AND A PARTY!!!
Maybe do a raid or two... ;)
As for the question of the week i would say world of tanks though i think it would be kinda crazy getting ALL the tanks for free and their modifications and i would assume it would also make WoT p2w but i'll just go with WoT
p.s havik u awesome now i get why MM likes u :P
and Dabomb to Spunkify for picking up the F2Pcast show and keeping it rolling no Abombs this week cause nothing made me angry enough yet,
an a bomb to the clan i was playing in blacklight retribution because they kicked me out of it becouse
i wasnt on for 5 days (my pc had a few problems) :(
and i got a derp moment:
a coworker of me told me that they had an apprentice who forgot to lock the cashdesk and went to his lunchbreak and when he came back to it all the money was gone, he started to panic when the brach came laughing out of the office and said "i hope you learnd your lesseon" (the money was in the office ofcourse).
after i heard that story i noticed that my boss is an evil genius
ps sry for my poor english :P