Forget everything you think you know about real-time strategy games, because AirMech puts you directly in command of a powerful transforming robot to dominate the battlefield.
The Free to Play Cast celebrate its 6 month birthday and it is ALL because of YOU, the listeners! This week we talk about yet another MOBA... really?... another one?... Check in on Aeria Games, and then cap the discussion off with the little game talk about Star Wars: The Old Republic. We cover the viewer bombs, which all seem to be A-Bombs this week, and then get all excited over what games YOU are talking about from E3! There may even be some BlackLight: Retribution chat in there somewhere... come on board and don't forget YOUR Weekly Bombs!!
If you have submissions for the show’s Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Cast via Youtube.
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Forget everything you think you know about real-time strategy games, because AirMech puts you directly in command of a powerful transforming robot to dominate the battlefield.
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
Cant give a Bomb to busy with work 2 play =[ another time :P
First off Magicman, Damn glad to be back. Missed the show and the information you provide from you and your co-host's point of view.
WoW , I got like 8 episodes to catch up on now o.O thats over 8 hours lol.
I had a serious Motherboard problem, Took it out and had to ship it off for it to be looked at. 2 months later, Here i am with a diffrent motherboard. Still have not even heard back from Gig***** about the board i sent back.
I have not seen this episode yet , but i will comment on the title for now until i get caught up with my vid watching.
Now to " Try " and be nice about this!
lol , Till the day comes when i get a party or a gift for being 1/2 a year old , than i will say what you excpect me to say. But i will say,
Congrats on lasting 6 months and growing up in front of my eyes.
Watching you grow in front of my eye's over the past 6 month's * sniff sniff * * Grabs a tissue *
Has been a dream that every Mother has of thier baby growing up.
Me being a male and all now know's how a woman truely feel's watching her baby grow up to. * sniff sniff * * wipe's tear from eye's *
* In a saddened yet very happy voice *
I - I - I - I aaaaaaam ( sorry getting really chocked up now, the water works have started )
really P - R - O - U - D of you all !
I see on you tube quite a few of your vids have now exceeded 10k views :D , Damn sweet my friend.
Any ways , off to watch some episodes from may, talk to you soon .
Your Friend and Fan
Inflictious. :D
Username: Guazz
abomb to free to play cast for being boreing
and for not being a pay to win like alot of MMOs out there so thank s4-league
never stop doing the show :)
i hope you never stop doing it
wen do you think star wars the online game
is going to be free to play?
i think world of war craft is going to go free to play pretty sone i hope
you guys are the best and never stop going the show
best show on mmobomb.com :)
~Sage a dedicated follower ;)
Some opinnions was when you guys started discuss about Star Wars but then again nothing .. We need Live Talk not Zombies blah blah)) (sorry for this)
And A-Bomb for Russian publisher for not doing it. You know, now good half of Russian Warface players wants to play on European server. So your only hope is that we'll be IP blocked lol.
Ftp like tera game: yeah men come at me =)
Monsters moba: mmm oh =/ ... ok lets see (whats better adobe air or browser based) =P
Star wars the old republic: i hate star wars the old republic cause trolled me at the beta =/
Smite beta: yay some corrections and may become huge =P
divina: it looks cool
I have a question, why we all complain about moba´s when there are just something like 15
when there is like 200 mmorpg clones all de same =P
I have an answer but I'm interested in different opinions =)
Happy Half Birthday!
best show on net, watch every episode.
from Bosnia and Hercegovina.