In Episode 1 of League of Legends Champions, Shadee takes a look at the newly released champion Fiora!...
The Free to Play Cast talks about their card dealings in Carte, debates the purchase of a tablet, and then decides maybe we should have a Viewer Guest host educate us on League of Legends. Just for good measure we have actual footage of Brim's mount riding him that you won't want to miss! Check it out on this all new, adventure filled episode!
If you have submissions for the show’s Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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In Episode 1 of League of Legends Champions, Shadee takes a look at the newly released champion Fiora!...
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
A Paragon-inspired project actually see the light of day, but can it compete with a crowded field of MOBAs?
Your connection with your fans( and the gaming community as a whole ) is something I didn't quite expect when I watched the first episode. The fact that all of you are gamers and all of you are, therefore yourselves, effected by the news that you inform your listeners of is something that I find to be quite comforting. That coupled with the fact that you're so social with your fans( and I'm sure with the naysayers as well ) makes it even better. And on an off-note, thank you, Free To Play Cast for just being so damn entertaining. :)
Ps: I also go by the username Aeirn. I hope you take over the internet one of these days Magicman!! :)
Thier site got hacked like a few of the other free to play sites as of late, BUT , Gamigo gave every player 10$ to compensate for the loss of down time to spend on any of thier games..
Not a bad way to show thier fans they care about them.
Answer to the weekly question would be GunBound. Even though I would not listen to the music at any time other than playing GB, the soundtrack is very fitting to the gameplay & cartoony artstyle of the game, and is one of the few soundtracks of FTP games that has stood out to me..
A 2-part question I have that is kind of long, but hopefully has a short answer: are you guys still planning an Allods guild/clan? Also what race/class characters do you guys play?
Keep up the good work
Also my opinion on the tablet is i would rather play mmopgs on my psp.
If they added - Tobii PCEye _ for a characters movements leaving your 2 thumbs for hotkeys. I would deffinately be interested than.
Don't Know What Tobii PCEye is ?
here it is running a flight simulator - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfnS2rLEdqc
On tablet absolutely no chance as I like my big screen/mouse/keyboard - but what I don't get is if the guy in the ad is eating those snacks/choc while playing isn't the screen just going to be one greasy mess? Or are they inventing a new smear free screen? Wish my phone had one if so.
I don't think I would buy a tabled for 2 reasons:
First, I don't really have the money and second I really like to play MMO's with a mouse. I must atmid that it looks fun to play with fingers only, but I can't see it happens to mine.
Then for the logo, do you wand something with a bomb immage or not ,just a question. I don't know how mutsh time I have I resendly got 18 so my life got somewhat louder and I have a bit less time to spare. :)
For the weekly question, I can't make up what game has the best soundtrack but I can think of the wurst in my opinion, S4 League, I just get soo stressed out if I let it on if I am playing it with that background music that I shut it of and play some youtube soundtracks.
Thill next week.
Keep up the good work guys, and i'm sorry that my Photoshop skills are sad so i cant make anything beyond stick figures but i'm looking forward to the creativity of our community.
With that said is time to go back to do some more tank science also Da-bomb @ World of tanks its pretty fun and irritating but worth a try
Great show as always !
About the Tablet (my personaal opinion)
I feel you would end up having clashes with pc users and tablet users for hardcore Raiding guilds.When you have 10 man raids and that slight bit of delay could cost your whole team a wipe , Healer on a tab would not even keep up to a pc user. My 8 fingers and 2 thumbs can do alot more than a tabel users 2 thumbs.Tablet users in the long run i can see being treated as the player with 300 ping.I really can't see a tablet user even competeing with a pro pc gamer.
Remember just my thought for those of you that plan on buying one , But it won't be me.( They will just be easy xp for me)
Da bomb - I really can't even come close to how much this game will break new ground in the F2P world.
FireFall & Red 5 Studio's -
3 week's now i have been in beta, last week was ho hum nothing special, until last night's 3.5 GiG download
WOW after implementing the patch yesterday this is really ground breaking to the fps and mmorpg world. You say your bored of the fps games Selfius trust me on this you will be hooked. There is so much action, The world is huge , The monsters incredible. I love that when you make 1 character you can play as all 5 classes and switch between classes in town within seconds. Each class starts at lvl 1 meaning if you don't play that class you don't lvl it!
I could go on and on and on and on, REALLY!!!
As for what you were talking about at the end of the video , this would and could have been a subsciption game. ( I would pay )
As for your question this week.... Gunz the Duel - loved the music had a rock feel to it and after playing it for 8 years it never gets old.
been playing it for like 6 hours straight and i'm only here because of the server crash :(
I like the idea of the tablet, but my main problem with it is also the hardware. The delay and the touch screen typing, I think I am just gonna use keyboards, since I don't even need to look at it to type.
For league of legends if you guys ever gonna play it. I would love to join you guys if possible. Recently just playing a lot of custom and AI games just to get my build order right. Since I hit that point once and stopped playing on that account. Now I have another account, and this time I am gonna play it more carefully.
As for the question of the week: Well up until now, I think Aion and Rusty hearts had some pretty nice music. I don't know, its just my opinion.
Good luck to you out there, can't play Aion now since my account is deactivated until release date. So going to play league of legends or try out something new.
Have fun out there!!!
And in league of legends don't get greedy and tower dive!!!! :D
From Downunder is aus