This week on Free to Play Weekly: TERA goes free to play, Akaneiro: Demon Hunters dashes towards release, MechWarrior Tactics moves into closed beta at a price, Neverwinter reveals its next class and more!...
The beta season seems to be starting and Dota 2 drops a new mode... is it even a compelling mode to play? Stop in and check out the two man show this week as we seek out a Renaissance Hero! Be right back, we have to catch all these damn dragons now...
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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This week on Free to Play Weekly: TERA goes free to play, Akaneiro: Demon Hunters dashes towards release, MechWarrior Tactics moves into closed beta at a price, Neverwinter reveals its next class and more!...
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
then wildstar
Not heard much on wildstar other than the anouncment so it leads me to believe that theres still a lot to do.
TES:O not in beta yet
Neverwinter seems to have the most new released leading me to believe that it's closer.
Giving A big fat da bomb to Path of Exiles' launch it may not have been the smoothest but it managed it, unfortunately they did suffer at least one DDOS attack and the servers had to go down for an hour or so to apply a fix but other than that they are steadily getting there.
GGG were not expecting the amount of people they got....they were quite happy with the server capacity being around 56k in the closed beta...it wasn't until the last week with all the positive press that shit hit the fan...they got more server space and still had patch download problems...from their recent post the have almost 300k players on daily and about 80k at any one time...so weekends look like they might be a bit packed.
Giving an A bomb to Neverwinter for their founders pack being $200 which includes the beta testing.
Well some people ave A Bomb's for Dragon Nest EU but I don't give an A Bomb to most EU publishers since we allways (not quite 100% of the times but like 90%) get games away later than NA and we don't get as quite as good titles as NA. Most NA publisher don't have IP block but still if I play in EU server I will have way less lag/ping than in NA server's.
It suck to be in Europe
though it's just my opinion and probably filled my own personal hopes as well
Question Of The Week
Neverwinter will come first in my opinion for the same reason that inflictious already mentioned above then my quess would be TESO and finally Wildstar(which idk if it will ever come out no offense to the people who are still waiting for it)
A-Bomb to Path Of Exile and i will say exactly why.Ok so i knew it would be a "diablo.diablo 2 clone" or something close to diablo but f2p instead i like its combat A LOT but although i thought i was prepared for this game i was TOTALLY NOT.I would never imagine personally playing this game WITHOUT friends and i knew it was too grindy but my a-bomb goes mainly cause its really grindy and i don't like the fact that your skills are gems and as MM said the fact that is point and click i am not really annoyed usually but point and click in games but idk why i got so annoyed in this one maybe its cause its "camera locked" into your char
Da-Bomb for a game finally starting from europe( talking ofc about dragon's prophet)now i can brag to my friends from US that i will play something before them :P
Thanks for the episode MM and Brim linkens well done once again
I would like to give 2 Da-Bomb´s, with a hint of A-bomb´s in there if i may:
Path Of Exile - This is the way to do a proper ARPG *cough*Blizzard*cough*. Highly entertaining, innovative things like no currency, skills from gems, huge passive skill tree etc. A game truly made BY gamers, FOR gamers and thats a thing many other game company´s can learn from.
War Thunder - At first i was hesitating to jump into this, seeing how bad i think World of Warplanes is. But it really stunned me how great the game feels and how good it looks.
They have plans to implement tank and naval battle into the game aswell, like Wargaming have been talking about for their games.
If Gaijin does these well, i can see them knocking Wargaming off the ledge.
May the loot be with you
Tyreal out
1st: Neverwinter
2nd: Wildstar
3rd: Elder Scrolls
My best bet would be ESO releasing first judging from the speculated progress of development.
Path of Exile / GGG for an outstandingly enjoyable open beta, the hardcore ladder is competitive ,and the development team having been fixing bugs as they appear no waiting a week or 2 for a patch. As a game itself the best part is the currency, no matter what lvl you are you still get relevant currency for late game.
Hopefully I will see you guys in hardcore, but not as a death report in global chat. ಠ_ಠ
I just wanted to make an update from last week. Last week I said I probably wouldn't try TERA because It's all been done before and it was too late for TERA. Then I thought to myself, well why not try it, it has the Unlimited trial, and if I don't like it, well now I know. So I tried TERA, made an archer like I said I would, and I actually really enjoyed myself. I ended up playing for most of the day. I think the fact that it's just another MMO is ruled out because it IS interesting. The spells are different, the characters are different. I guess those sudden differences really did a lot for me. I definitely plan to log back in and level up some more.
For the Question of the week, I'm really hoping WildStar comes out first. I've been following the updates for about a year now, and I just can't wait. After a year of waiting, and for some people, 2 years, I feel like I'm going to be really pissed if the game turns out to be complete shit. The game looks fun, but again, I just hate when games are over-hyped. I think the wait has just made me expect more of the game. If a company takes 2 years of advertised development on a game, they should have some ground-breaking content and mechanics in store for us. Although, I haven't seen any of it yet, I'm hopeful.
I'm also looking forward to trying out Neverwinter, but I just recently started following its updates, so I'm not as annoyed with the wait for release, but I'll be equally pleased if I can get access to at least one new game.
I guess that makes sense doesn't it? :)
I also want to give a massive A-Bomb to the A-holes behind Scarlet Blade (formerly Queen's Blade). I got an email saying I was selected to participate in closed alpha testing, but after downloading the game & attempting to run it, I get hit with a message that basically said "if you see this message, you weren't selected after all." I just thought that was rude & a big waste of my time. I still plan on playing it because of the very scantily-clad cuties, but still come on guys! Don't get our hopes up only to tear it down after waiting on the download.
If anything, it pays to be an all rounder who's generally good with a lot of heroes, than a specialist who's only good with a few...otherwise you're literally restricted only to All Pick mode.
Also, recently, they've tweaked it even more to make it your top 40 heroes removed from selection, up from 20, ensuring that the playing field is likely to be a lot more even (as veterans could still be good with a lot more than 20 heroes).
Question of the week:
I'm predicting Neverwinter first, perhaps sometime in June-August this year, especially considering it's been delayed a few times already. TESO next, sometime close to that, at least before the end of this year. Wildstar last, most likely the end of this year, if not 2014.
Great Show as always!
- I'm gonna give an A-Bomb (again) to League of Legends. In the latest patch they released the new newest champion, "Thresh". He's so ridiculously unbalanced it ruins the game... Hope they fix this problem in the next patch.
- Also, I give another A-Bomb to my outdated PC. It feels really bad to see all the new awesome free mmos coming out and I can't even run them in low graphics.
- And of course, I give a Huge Da-Bomb to the Free to Play Cast. Between exams you always cheer me up.
Question of the Week: I have no idea.
Greetings from Hungary, and see you on the servers!
I think Neverwinter will be the first one to be released because: Wildstar is kinda off-radar at the moment, and The Elder Scrolls, I believe, will keep the game in constant betas until it's 100% finished.
Also, a Da-Bomb for Grinding gear games for being so awesome and because of their PoE payment model!
Question of the week.
Neverwinter - From what i gather , It has already had beta test's,Key's for that were given out on this site meaning it is at that stage of releasing.
But also Wildstar will want to release before March...
March will be a Horrible time for any game to release with the Huge titles coming in that month
Resident Evil 6
Starcraft 2
Crysis 3
A few scarey titles that will steal alot of players no matter wether your going f2p or not.
Elderscroll's will feather this storm out since thier beta is upcoming during this wave of game's and release probably late April , maybe even a summer block buster ( No school or college perfect release time for them )
and i loved thsi chapter xD
brim likes pretty colors xD
and all that pokemon stuff xD